Chap. 11

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Chapter Eleven
Harry Styles

The feeling of seeing that gorgeous smile from Brownie made my stomach do multiple flips. Front flips, backflips, cartwheels, round-offs. Shit, even handstands.

It was warm and different. I don't know if it's because she just never simply smiled at me, or if it's because I won the deal, type of different. But it doesn't matter anymore. She smiled at me.

Even though it may seem strange, I was on the verge of giving up and calling off the deal today. I was shit pants when I felt like I couldn't do one simple easy task on one normal girl. Except, Brownie isn't just any normal girl. She's different.

She doesn't know it, but she has this weird type of effect on me. It could be the slightest thing on earth and I could get easily turned on. She makes me either want to kiss her or do things she doesn't even know were possible in bed. There's no in-between.

Despite her affecting me, she laughed. I was so busy being nervous about me offending her that I didn't even notice it at first. And, man, was it the best feeling?

I was tugging on my hair with a huge bright smile on my face looking at the sea at the moment until I saw two brunettes walking past with smiles on their face. I instantly recognized one of them from their squeaky voice.

Being the guy I am, I coolly and bravely walked to them. "Well, this is odd," I start. "Shouldn't you be in the house scrubbing the tub and not out here on a beach? I'm pretty sure Eddy would be furious with you, little Eddy." I approached the two.

They both stopped walking and looks at me. Hannah, Eddy's baby sister, grins immediately when she sees me. The reason I call her little Eddy is that she looks like an exact girl version of Ed. She always said she hated that nickname I made for her. I know she loves it on the low. Considering she always had a huge crush on me.

"Haha, very funny, Harry." She says sarcastically. "I'm eighteen now. I can go where I want when I want. Therefore, I highly suggest for you and my brother, Edward, stop treating me like I'm a baby." Little Eddy declares.

I chuckle, running my hand through my hair. "If you say so, little Eddy, but I was only messing with you. You know you're always going to be the little sister I've never had before."

"Yeah, yeah. It's good to see you, too, Harry." Little Eddy laughs. "It's funny because my mom was, literally, just speaking about you to me and her." She points to her friend, whom I have just now remembered she was standing there.

I wanna say her friend looks familiar, but Hannah has lots of friends. Hannah always had girls over for sleepovers back to back in high school. I remember it like it was yesterday. They constantly tried spying on Eddy and me because we were 'the older boys who were hot and popular' in school.

"I bet she was," I smiled jokingly. "Your mom had some quiet crush on me back then." I made both of the girls giggle. Hannah was laughing so hard that she pushed my shoulder back, making me stumble slightly. Ow. I forgot she hits people when she's laughing so hard.

This is what I'm used to. Making girls giggle by saying something that wasn't that funny. Or not funny at all. Brownie didn't laugh at me when I tried making her laugh. She laughed at me when I tried getting to know her. She caught me off guard is what you can say.

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