Chap. 7

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Chapter Seven
May Scott
One Week Later

Ten-forty-five in the morning, and I'm fully energized. I have been having a good week so far. I've taken my mom's advice last week about having fun in school.

So, I've been treating myself to a good breakfast every morning since then. I've been studying less since I know most things in certain classes. I started going to the campus gym to get in better shape. I even have been getting lots of eight hours of sleep. 

So far so good.

Except, for one thing, that keeps bothering me. I can't put my finger on it because I completely forgot. But it'll appear. Hopefully, later than sooner.

As of right now, I'm writing down some important notes on the chalkboard in biology. As I write, Professor Woods keeps on speaking about some types of chemicals we will start working on later on in the future.

"Usually, I would want you guys to go out and buy the equipment yourself, but since it's the beginning of your Junior year, I'll just buy it for you," Professor says. "Any questions?"

Finally looking up from my book, I instantly saw someone raise their hand. "Yes, Mr. Hemmings?" The professor picks on the student.

"What if we want a partner on this project?" My classmate asked. Everyone starts to agree with him, mumbling 'yeah's' and 'rights.

"No partners." Professor immediately tells us. Everyone groans. "You kids have had enough projects with partners. You're all adults, here. It's time to do things on your own now."

One by one, students start to raise their hands for questions. I did what I did best and began drifting off into space. Since I always sat by the window, I sometimes like to find myself daydreaming about the trees right outside the window.

I have always pictured myself living in a big house of three or four bedrooms, with my loving husband and my beautiful kids running around in the house.

We would plan a big family picnic in our backyard, inviting both sides of families, and just having an amazing time being happy. Physically and mentally.

But, sadly, the more I daydream, the more it starts to wander off about my dad. He used to always tell me to go after a guy with loads of money. But I don't want that. I mean, I want a guy who has money, but I don't want his money.

I want my own money. I don't want to be able to depend on a guy for every or anything. Not everything's gonna be perfect. Nothing's perfect.

What if the guy my dad wants me to go after cheats on me and decided to kick me out? He's allowed to do that because that's the house that he brought.

While I was still in the middle of my daydreams, I was still somewhat listening to my background. I heard the classroom door open then close and heard Professor speaking up. "Mr. Styles, it's a miracle that you're here."

"Don't get your hopes up too high, Woods. I'm just here to see a special someone." From the raspy voice and thick accent, I've recognized that voice from anywhere.

Instead of trying to look at him, I instantly stand my notebook up, hiding my face from him.

"That's Professor Woods, to you, son." I hear Professor say.

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