Chap. 9

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Chapter Nine
May Scott
Couple Days Later

The sound of two people arguing woke me up. The covers were covering half of my body down from my waist, and both of my arms are placed underneath my pillow to hold it while I lay on my stomach.

I fluttered open my heavy droopy eyes, lifting my head to look around to find out where the voices are coming from. The only thing I could see is Faye's empty bed, and our door wide open.

The first thing that came to mind was to check the time. I grabbed ahold of my phone from under my pillow, smiling proudly in my head for always keeping it under there for any circumstances.

Turning the phone on, the brightness on the screen hit my face making me squint immediately. It's two-forty-six in the morning.

I groaned to myself before forcing myself out of bed grabbing my pillow, blanket, and phone. I slipped on my pair of yellow slippers, turning on my heel to walk out of the room.

Faye and Jaidyn were down the hall screaming at each other. The three of us were just literally sleeping peacefully in the small room, and now the two of them are about to eat each other alive like tigers.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Did you even think about the stupid consequences that would fucking happen you fucking, moran!?" Faye hollers at her girlfriend.

I casually made my way to the fourth floor, quickly walking down the quiet dimmed hall. When I finally made it to the boys' dorm, I forced a hard, yet soft, knock for one of them to hear.

Seconds later, Ronny opened the door. He was in a pair of black shorts with no shirt on. It isn't the first time I saw Ronny like this, so it doesn't surprise me much. His brown quiff hair was messy, and his eyes were squinting—due to the lights in the hall.

"May? What are you—" He starts but instantly stops himself. "One of those nights?" He caught on.

I nod my head. "One of those nights."

Ronny sighs and opens the door wide enough for me. After I walked in and closed the door, Ronny was already making himself comfortable on the floor with his pillow and blanket.

Liam was sound asleep peacefully, not waking up from any type of noise. I made my way to Ronny's bed and quickly got warm and cozy. I lay on my side towards the white wall and closed my eyes.


I felt the warm sun shining on my face as I stir around and yawn. I opened my tired eyes and was met with the familiar white ceiling. I stretched my arms and legs before finally making an effort in sitting up on the bed.

Just then, the door flew open with Liam carrying two large coffee cups and a small brown bag. When he sees me, a gentle smile appears.

"Just in time, sleepyhead." He closed the door behind him. He walks towards me and hands me one of the cups and the brown bag. "Regular hot coffee with cream and sugar, and two bagels in the bag."

"You know exactly what I like." A lazy smile played on my lips. I took a tiny sip of the blazing hot coffee, instantly waking me up and making me feel warm. "So, how's it going?" I asked Liam.

"The usual. Good grades, reading interesting books, keeping up with life," He rambles on, sitting on his bed across from me. He knows exactly what I mean when I asked him that question. His brown eyes are smiling and he's smiling eagerly.

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