Chap. 4

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Chapter Four
May Scott

I don't know if it was me, for being extremely tired, or today was just actually really slow and boring. I feel lousy and exhausted. The worst feeling someone could ever feel.

I didn't get any sleep last night. When I showed up at the library, the study club was already finished, packing everything up. Except for Liam. He stayed behind with me—helping me catch up with everything they discussed.

I don't know how long we were there, but I do know it felt like a goddamn eternity for just sitting there for far too long.

Two classes have already gone by. After Professor Woods's class, I came directly to The Restaurant. It's unusually crowded here on a Monday. Mostly everyone likes to come here on Wednesdays and the weekends.

I would've gone to the school cafeteria, but I hate sitting by myself while eating there. On Monday Liam's, Abby's, and I's schedules are different. Only Liam and Abby have the same schedule for certain days.

I, on the other hand, have classes in the morning. They both took their Monday classes in the afternoon. Which is right about now.

Just as I'm reading a book Liam told me about not too long ago, my phone starts to vibrate on the table—letting me know I have a message. Turning it on, Abby's name was visible on the screen.

U, me, and Liam at the basketball game tonight!

Why there? - M

I heard Eddy's playing for the team now! We have to go! - Abby

Sure, whatever - M

I turned my cell off and put it back in front of me on the table.

It's not that I don't care about attending a basketball game with my friends, but who the hell is Eddy?


After The Restaurant, I decided to stop by the library again. I felt like my brain needed to exercise some more for my upcoming classes. And mostly because I'm bored while my best friends are in their afternoons' classes.

As usual, the library was packed with students everywhere. Some were sitting at the computers, some at tables, and some relaxing on the carpet floor.

I swiftly walked to the back of the library on the first floor. It's the one place I like to go when I'm here alone. It's also that one cliché spot in the back where people come back here to shag each other. Except, no one doesn't come this way. At least not that I know of.

Once I made it to the back, I carefully dropped my one-strap bag by the white wall. I slid down with my back against the wall, spreading out my legs then crossing one over the other—then took out a random textbook from my bag.

Management one-on-one is what I'll be studying, I guess.

Opening the book up, I started looking through the table of contents for the right page from today's class.

Not even a minute had gone by and I began to hear heavy footsteps. Glancing up, a tall, slim man figure was browsing the bookshelves. Long hair with curls at the end and muscular shoulders.

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