Chapter Thirty-Four

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You heard it first, my fellow readers. My bullies were actually being eaten by the monster.

You are probably saying to me at this moment, "Gretel, that cannot be. This is a children's book. No fictional character can die that brutally."

I agree with you guys a hundred percent. No fictional character should die. Period.

But I am not a liar. I may keeps secrets, but I have never lied.

Have you forgotten that I am a child of the Lord?

I quickly looked away from the horror scene. Ruby's and Karen's screams rang in my ears. I clenched my teeth and prayed that the creature would not make me and my brother snacks or any kind of food.

I could not get the image out of my mind. Ruby and Karen. The Creature From Beyond. The creature shoving the girls into its throat and down its huge stomach. The girls' legs were kicking in the air.

I wished that we could save them. Even bullies do not deserve that kind of death.

"It is too late for them," Hansel said. It was as if he knew what I was thinking. "Let that beast have them. They deserve it anyway. Bullying you and all that."

Hansel does not like people who treat me with such hatred.

We were almost to the end of the hallway. I soon heard something. Like multiple objects thudding against the floor. Really hard and loud.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

I did not dare to see who - or what - it was. I already knew what it was.

The creature.

I heard snarling coming from the creature. I felt water - drool - hit the back of my head. My eyes widened, and I breathed heavily.

It must have been fast. The monster was catching up to us.

Its hot breath touched the back of my neck. My skin.

I could not hold in my panic anymore.

"Hansel!" I screamed. "It is behind us! Right behind me!"

"What?!" he replied in a high tone. He was panicking too. I should know. He spoke in a high tone.

I cried out. "Ah!"

The creature grabbed the handle of the pot - which remained stuck on my butt - with its mouth...

...and yanked it off.

And it hurt like the dickens.

Tears formed in my eyes from the horrible pain.

"Ah!" I shouted like a Cartoon character.

The creature growled and threw the pot into the air. When the pot stopped in mid-air and started falling back to the earthy ground, the monster opened its mouth. The pot landed in the mouth. The creature shut its mouth, chewed, and swallowed. As soon as I stopped with the screaming, the Creature From Beyond dashed away.

Hansel forced the two of us to a complete halt. He turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Gretel!" he said. "Are you alright?"

I calmed down and whimpered. I rubbed my bum.

He saw that the pot was gone. "That monster must have taken the pot."

I let out a whoosh of air. "At least the creature managed to get it off," I said. "I hated wearing that pot."

"I was talking about Karen and Ruby. One of those monsters got the pot off of your butt." A smile spread across his face. "Your...butt!" He laughed.

I narrowed my eyebrows. "Shut up. I want to forget that even happened. We are mature characters after all."

His laughter died down. "Sorry. It is not every day that a random pot gets attached to your butt."

I wanted to get his mind on something else. I pointed at a door that was in front of us.

"Hey," I said. "A door."

The door was dark red. It would be hard to see it if you had no lights. There was a brown doorknob on the door. It was to the right. The doorknob was shiny.

Hansel and I walked up to the door. There was nothing written on the door. And there was no keyhole for me to peer through.

"I see the door now," Hansel commented. "A door is nothing special."

"True." I reached for the doorknob. "Unless there is something interesting in the room." I grasped the doorknob. "Like our bags!" I twisted the knob and pushed the door open.

The door swung back. It hit the wall, making a thud! sound.

We stepped inside. It was black. Pitch black. We could not see anything. Not even ourselves.

"Flip a switch!" my twin brother declared.

"I will!" I answered. "Just as soon as I feel for one!"

I ran my hands along the walls and soon touched an object that felt like a switch. I flipped it.

The lights came on. We found ourselves in a small room. The room was as small as a closet. The walls were black, and the floor was green. A small table was in the center of the room. It was brown.

There was a book on the table. The book looked old and worn.

"'Summoning the Creature From Beyond,'" Hansel read the title. "The crub?"

Suddenly, the two of us fell back.

We had passed out.

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