Chapter Forty-Eight

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A girl was hurrying across the street. Her blond ponytail danced behind her, and the ends of her green skirt went up and down. She was running fast. Very fast.

She had to be at an important place at this moment.

The girl ran left and right. Right and left. She was passing houses and dodging buildings. She was not going home or to a friend's house. Not even school.

She was going out of town.

When she had gotten out of the town, the girl stopped in her tracks and looked at what was ahead of her.

The woods. Nothing but the woods. Tree after tree.

The girl wiped sweat off her forehead and ran into the woods. She zig-zagged from side to side, avoiding the trees. It looked as if she knew her way around.

Like she had done it before.

She soon came upon a factory. It was a very old factory. People hardly used it in the past. Now, nobody uses it. The factory had exploded not too long ago.

The girl stopped running and walked into the factory. Parts from machines and other objects were scattered all over. The ceiling even collapsed. But the girl did not mind any of that.

She was here for a reason.

She turned left and walked down the hallway. She then came to a room with no sign on the door. She pushed the door open and walked in.

The room was pretty empty. It had no tables or chairs. It did not have shelves lining up against the walls. Just the walls and floor...

...and a gigantic tube in the middle of the room.

With someone floating in it.

The girl walked up to the tube and placed her hand on it.

"Hi, there," she said, looking at the person in the tube. "You do not know me, but I know you. I work for Zeolex." She took out a phone. "I 'borrowed' Nigel's phone and looked up information about him and his family." A sinister smile spread across her face. "I know that you want revenge on Nigel for what he did to you, and I will gladly help you." She ran her fingers through her ponytail. "I am Nell Hudson, and I will help you live, Katherine."

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