Chapter Nine

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After the incident with the scorpion, I went back to my room and remained there for the rest of the evening. I excused myself from dinner and devoted my time to walking around in circles and talking to myself.

You are probably saying to me that "Gretel, there was a scorpion in your room!" I know, I know. I am not stupid. But you have to remember that there are scorpions and bugs throughout the apartment and apartment rooms.

So I would not be surprised that there could be a scorpion under the dining room table.

Not once did I ever put the photos back down.

I walked back and forth and had the folder open. I took the pictures, threw the folder onto my nightstand, and examined each photo. Most of them were the same things. A purple sky. The moon. Buildings of houses and corporations. Just different angles.

However, there was a picture that caught my attention. Of course, it had to be the one that I was missing.

"The House with the Eyes." That is what I am calling it.

Neat title, huh?

Time flew by in a matter of seconds. I heard my mom.

"Gretel! Bedtime!"

I glanced up from the photos and at my bedroom window. It was nighttime. The big and beautiful moon was shining its light through the window, and the bright stars sparkled in the night sky.

I yawned and stretched. "Boy, I am tired."

I set the pictures on top of the folder and walked to the left side of my bed. I took off my shirt and shorts and slipped into my nightgown. The gown was pink with white flowers and reached to my feet.

I decided to keep my hair in ponytails for the night and climbed under the covers. I grabbed the pictures and put them back in the folder. Then I grabbed the folder and slipped it under the covers. I certainly did not want to get caught with it.

If I did, how would I explain? Mom and Dad would probably recognize the photos, that they were pictures of Forlot, and confiscate them. But that is just an assumption.

I laid in bed and rested my head on the pillow, waiting for Mom, Dad, Hansel, and Katrina to go to their bedrooms and fall fast asleep. I wanted to continue looking at the pictures.

Yes, I spent the whole evening looking at them, but I was curious. Something about them was odd.


Man. If only I had "The House with the Eyes" photo.


...I imagined it.

I pushed my thoughts about the photos aside and thought about Katrina.

And the scorpion.

It was a terrifying moment. Thankfully, Katrina was never hurt from the scorpion. No bites. No cuts. No poison. Nothing. Instead, she threw it to the ground and squished it with her heel.

Not only is she nice, but she is brave - very brave - and can fight pretty well.

Aunt Katrina is a cool aunt.

Minutes passed, and it was silent. I sat up and listened for any noises.

Nope. Just quietness.

"Finally," I whispered. I knew that my mom and dad would not give me or Hansel bedtime kisses. They never do, especially since we moved. And Aunt Katrina already gave me and my brother the kisses that we needed, so I was set.

I was about to take out the folder when I heard a sound.


I glanced around and noticed that my door was opening. It swung back, not making a bigger sound, and I noticed a figure standing in the doorway.

"Come on! Hurry!" the figure whispered.

"Huh?" I peered through the darkness and realized who it was.


Hansel stepped into the room. He had on what he wore this morning. His shirt and shorts. He dragged a small bag behind him and glared at me.

"We need to go. Now," he ordered.

"What?" I questioned. "What are you talking about? And why are you dressed?"

"I am heading to Forlot, and you are coming with me." He raised two ten-dollar bills. "This is some of my money. We will spend it on transportation. We will take a bus. Possibly two. And you do not need to worry about snacks." He patted his bag. "I am way ahead of you."

"Forlot?" I crossed my arms. "Why are we going to Forlot?"

"You miss it. I miss it. Why not? And our parents do not give a crub about us. We will be much happier in Forlot. Plus..." He set his bag against the wall. "...I want my doll. I need to get it back."

I facepalmed. "Really, Hansel? You still miss that doll?"

"It was a special doll, and I need it." He grabbed my purple bag that was hanging on the desk chair and began dumping some of my possessions into it.

"Hey!" I said quietly. "What do you think that you are doing?"

"Packing your stuff," Hansel answered as he tossed my case of colored pencils in the bag. "We have to hurry and leave before Mom and Dad wake up."

I quickly got out of bed and hurried to him. I took the bag away from him. "There is no way that we can get to Forlot from here. It is miles away!"

"We have to at least try. This is a Forlot book. We are supposed to be in the town of Forlot. The characters before us were in Forlot way before the next chapter. We do not want to mislead the readers."

I looked up from this page, and then back at Hansel. "Okay, fine," I finally gave in. "To Forlot!"

I got dressed, while my brother packed my belongings. Just like him, I wore what I had on earlier. My purple shirt and blue shorts.

We started walking to the living room when we heard footsteps. I spotted a figure in the hallway.

The figure called herself "Margie Morgan."

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