Chapter 1-Flashback, to Old Times

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Niall was standing outside a cave, while I was inside, of course. We're only seven. And we do everything together. And we explore EVERYTHING. We just found this cave outside of our hometown. We walked for an hour before we got here. But Niall was taking for ever to get up the hill, and of course we'd have to leave soon because my dad wants me back before the sun sets. I finally see Niall run into the cave and stop to catch his breathe. I laughed.

Me-Come on, silly shamrock! You'll love it.

Niall-What is it?

I pointed to the back wall of the cave. There were diamonds wedged in between little rocks. It was so pretty. Little clear ones, little pink ones, purple and orange and green and blue. Niall walked over to the wall and touched the purple and green ones. I smiled.

Niall-How can we get them out?

Me-Dig, I guess.

Niall-But we don't have anything to dig with.

His head hung low, as I looked out of the cave and saw the sun getting lower.

Me-We'll come back tomorrow, silly shamrock. I promise.

Niall-Okay, tomorrow, lucky duck.

We ran back home. Fast, so my dad wouldn't make me do extra chores. I walked into my house and did my chores. Later that night, after my dad and sister went to bed, Niall snuck back to my house.

Niall-I forgot to give you your birthday present.

He pulled something out of his pocket. Uncovered it. My mouth dropped in awe as I saw a necklace, with purple and green diamonds wedged together on a chain. It looked amazing. I loved it. I smiled wide and hugged him. He put it on me and I hugged him again.

Me-Thanks, silly shamrock. I love it.

Niall-I thought you would, lucky duck. I knew they were your favorite colors. So I went back up to the cave after I brought you home. I took them to my dad and he helped me make it into this.

Me-Your the best friend I'll ever have, Niall!

Niall-You too, Darci! But I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?

Me-Okay, don't be late!

We said goodbye and goodnight to each other and Niall climbed back out the window. I went to bed, smiling and dreaming about the day Niall and I would have the next day.

~~Five Years Later~~

I woke up a little later than usual. But when I looked out my window, Niall was still standing there. He wasn't smiling as big, but he was still smiling.

Me-Sorry, silly shamrock. I went to bed late last night.

Niall-It's okay, just hurry up and get down here.

We laughed and I ran to get dressed. I ran down stairs and outside. Niall was holding something behind his back. I smiled at him, not knowing what it was. With Niall, you never know what it is.

Me-What do you have?

Niall-Its a surprise.

Me-Can I know?

Niall-Not yet.

I fake pouted and sat on his handlebars. Like always, he was to lazy to walk, even though it was just two miles away. Our favorite spot, near a little pond, back in the woods, near our cave. He pedal us to were we usually sat and we got off his bike.

Niall-Happy 12th birthday!

I looked at him and he pulled something from behind his back. It was in a box. I smiled and took it. I looked at it with caution.

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