Chapter 25-She's Gone

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~~Niall's POV~~

She's slipping away from me. From the guys. From everything. I know she needs to go home. I just can't let her. I've been the one staling the guys from taking her home. I can't lose her. She's everything to me now. I don't want her to leave. Ever. But I see how bad its getting. She can't sleep all the way through the night, she won't eat, she won't do anything. But sing. But she told me that singings become an escape for her. It makes everything better. But once the songs over, everything goes back to the way it was. I learned how to get her to sleep. I'd sing anything she anted me to. And then she'd fall asleep. I'd put in her favorite CD and go to sleep next to her. Today, I woke up with Darci still in my arms. She was smiling because of a dream, I think. But when I tried to move, she opened her eyes and kissed me. Her lips were so soft. It's been at least a week and a half since she's kissed me. I missed her lips. Her breath. Her heart that beats faster every second of the kiss. Her hands started playing in my hair. Twirling it between her fingers. I turned over her, not wanting the kiss to ever end, or for her to go back to the way she used to be a few days ago. She wrapped her legs around me. She pulled me harder against her. I smiled into the kiss. Here's that sexy side. She never really showed me this side. I had to pull it out of her. I realized that something was either really wrong or really right. She must be happy today. Either that, or really angry. Her fingers stopped twirling in my hair, her legs went limp. I knew she was about to end our kiss. So I didn't let her. Every time she tried to pull away, I just got closer. She smiled and tried again. But she never won. So she just gave up. She wrapped her legs back around me and instead of playing in my hair, she was more like pulling it. Not that hard, but not that soft either. She smiled again. And then, it was over. She just stopped moving. Her legs fell back on the bed and her hands slipped between our chest. I pulled away and looked down at her.


Darci-I don't want to talk about it right now.

Me-I think you do.

Darci-No, I don't! *sighs*Can you just leave me alone for a minute?

Me-No. Tell me why you won't do anything.

Darci-Because I don't want to do anything!

She pushed me off of her and got up.

Darci-I just want to be quite and not do anything! I like it.


Darci-Because I do. Over a year, Niall. It's been over a year since I told you guys I needed to go home. I knew what was going to happen if I didn't get home for at least a day. But you guys kept me here.

Me-Darci, I don't-I don't know what to say.

Darci-Of course you don't. You never do. I love you, Niall. With everything I have.

She had tears in her eyes. I was stuck in shock. She's never said it me before. At least not while she was conscious. I looked at her.

Darci-But I can't fix the way I feel right now. I'm always going to be that person that needs home. I can't stay here anymore. I have to leave. I have to leave today.

Me-Wait, wait, wait. Please, don't go. The guys and I will schedule for us to go home for a few days. Okay?

Darci-Thats not good enough, Niall.

She gave me this small dry laugh. It sounded almost evil.

Me-Why isn't it?

Darci-Because I need to be home for a while. Not just a few days. A week or two, before I'm better and can come back on tour.

The things that came out my mouth were never meant to be said.

Me-Well, if you want to leave so bad, why don't you just stay there. Don't come back. We won't be here waiting for you.

Yup. That was it. I had done it. Her eyes swelled with more and more tears. I saw one streak down her cheek. My hand reached up and wiped it away. I pulled her into a hug. I could feel my own tears fill up my eyes.

Me-I'm so sorry, Darci. I didn't mean that, at all. I-

Darci-It's *Sniffles*Okay.

Me-No it's not. I shouldn't have said any of that. I just don't want to lose you. You mean everything to me. Your my world. The only person I've ever loved.

That got her. She looked up at me. I could still see the determination in her eyes. I smiled at her.

Me-We'll go home. For a week or so. The guys won't mind. They love it there.

Darci-*smiles* Okay.

I left and went to talk to the guys. We all decided that we would go. Just for Darci. We packed some of our things. I went back to the room to pack my stuff. But when I got there, the room was empty. Everything that was Darci's was gone. Her clothes, shoes, toothbrush, movies, CD's. Everything. On our bed laid a not. It had her handwriting on it. It said:

Niall. I love you. I need to go alone. To be home for a while. I don't want to leave like this but, it's the only way I can leave without you guys getting up set or worked up. I promise I'll come back. And I won't forget about us. So you better not either. :P

I dropped to my knees. I couldn't stop the tears from coming this time. I had no choice but to let them come. The door behind me opened. I turned and saw the guys. They looked at me, then the note. Their eyes started to swim with tears. Only they did a better job of holding it in then I did. They sat beside me and hugged me. I wanted to go after her. That was the only thing on my mind right now. But why would she leave when I told her we would all go? Maybe she was tired of the tour. Of being followed around by people with camera's. Maybe she was tired of the hate. I can't tell you how many times I've found her crying because of fans. I don't know what it was, but I just wanted to run after her.

Louie-Hey, buddy, we can get her. She probably hasn't even left the hotel yet.

Liam-Yeah, she's probably downstairs.

But they were wrong. She wasn't downstairs. She wasn't in a car. She wasn't at the airport. She was sitting on a plane that was driving down the run way. I wanted to scream to her, but I knew she wouldn't hear me and that it wouldn't matter.

Harry-How did she get here so fast?

Zayn-I don't know. Should we go after her?

Louie-We have to. For our mate, Niall, here.

The guys made me get on our little plane, even though I felt so dead inside, I could barely walk. She was gone. She left. Without even saying goodbye. The hours it would take us to get home was worth it. After ten minutes of sitting on our unmoving plane, Zayn went to o see what was up. He came back and looked sad.

Zayn-We can't leave,

Me-What?! Why not?!

Zayn-There's a storm coming. A bad storm. We have to wait till it's over to leave.

Two days. That's how long the storm went on. The rain finally turned into a rainbow. The guys had to hold me down for two hours, so they could pack stuff. When they finally let me up, I ran to the cars. They sped to the airport. We got on our plane. It took a lot longer then we thought it would to get off the ground. And even longer to get there.

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