Chapter 31-After Our Special Day.

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~~Niall's POV~~

I knew what was missing. Darci's sister. She came and she had brought her husband and daughter, who I found out was named after Darci. Darci Flynn James. I liked it. She was cute. Couldn't be more then five. After the ceremony, Darci and I changed(Darci), (Me) I grabbed Darci's hand before she could run over to her sister. She gave me a look, but I just started to pull her over to them. Her sister, I never really knew her all that well. She was never around after her mom died. She smiled and started running towards us. Darci pulled her hand away and started running towards her. I couldn't blame her. They hadn't seen or really heard from each other since Darci was twelve. They hugged for what seemed forever. Darci's sister called her daughter over.

Darci's sister(Jamie, I think is her name)-Darci, sweetie, this is your aunt.

Young Darci-The one you named me after?


Darci smiled big. The little girl came over to Darci, looked at her, then threw her arms around her neck and hugged her. Darci looked so happy. She put her arms around the little girl and picked her up. The little girl smiled.

Darci-It'll get pretty confusing with you, Darci.

Young Darci-*laughs*That's what daddy always says.

Darci-How is Kyle?

Jamie-He's good. He's over there talking to Harry and Louis.

Young Darci-Mommy, how come we never come visit Aunt Darci?

Jamie-Because your daddy likes were we live and doesn't want to come back.

Darci-Well you should at least come and visit.

Jamie-Try telling him that.


She put the young Darci down and walked over to her sisters husband. He gave her a weird look. She seemed to be telling him something and he just laughed and shook his head. Darci seemed to get madder and madder. Till eventually she looked like she could slap him. Now I could hear what she was saying.

Darci-I want to see my sister and my niece at least once a year. Its not fair that you took her away from me, now you don't want her to even call me.

He just laughed again. Darci's sister and I walked over, leaving young Darci to play with Baby Lux and the guys.

Jamie-Stop being mean. We can come up here on her birthday.

Husband-You can. I won't.

Darci-No one wants you to come any way.

Husband-Excuse me.

Darci-I said no one wants you to come any ways. No body wanted you to come here.

Husband-Disrespectful little girl. She was a waste of money and time. We won't be coming up to see her again.

Jamie-Yes we will. You won't want to make your child and your wife mad?

The man sighed and shook his head.

Husband-I'm sorry, Darci. I've been having a lot of trouble for a while. Its really getting to me.

Darci-Its okay.

But the look on Darci's face shows that it wasn't okay and that she wanted him gone. Put she didn't want her sister to leave. I guess this is the problems she's always had with him. Darci looked at me, when we walked away from them. The look told me that she was scared. Scared that I would be like that. I smiled at her. I pulled her close to me and leaned close to

her ear.

Me-*whispers*That'll never happen.

She smiled and pressed her lips to mine. A few hours of talking to people, and dancing, and eating(yum), Darci and I got all our things together. A car was waiting for us. The guys helped us pack all our things in it. Darci and I said goodbye to everyone. Darci looked very sad to say goodbye to her sister and niece, but happy to say goodbye to her brother-in-law. Darci's sister came to me and gave me a hug.

Jamie-You better take care of my sister, little boy. Cause if you don't, I can be my mom and my dad all in one.

She smiled at me when she let go, but I just gulped. I'd seen her dad angry, I don't really remember her mom very well, but her dad was all I had to remember to be scared of her. She said one last goodbye to Darci and then they were gone. Darci and I climbed into our car. She laid her head on my chest. After a car ride to the airport  she looked up at me.

Darci-Where are we going?

Me-Some where special.

On the plane, they gave her a little note. Something I had planned. She opened it and read it. Then she smiled and handed it to me. It said-

Mrs. Horan,

Your favorite place in the world? I was thinking about that, but you already know what it's like there. I'm gonna take you some where you've never been and never expected to go. I'm taking you to Hawaii. It's really hot there. I love you.


She smacked my arm and smiled.

Me-Don't worry, Mrs. Horan. Your gonna love it.

Darci-Its not that I'm worried about.

Me-Then what is it?

Darci-I love you.

Me-Is that what the problem is?*smiles*

Darci-*laughs*No. I love you. I'm just worried...that things might....change.

Me-Never. Nothing will ever change, except the place we're in. I love you, Darci Horan and that's all we need.

Darci-*smiles*I love you, too, Niall Horan.

She laid her head on my chest and started to dose off. I realized that things would change. Our looks, our voices, our jokes, everything. Except, the way I feel about her and the way she feels about me. That's something that'll never change. Not as long as we're alive.

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