Chapter 9-Great Ideas and Kisses

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~~Darci's POV~~

At the arena, there were a lot of people there working on the stuff that would be on stage and the seating and things like that. The guys practiced the music and the dancing and all their talking. They really are hilarious. The last song they were gonna do was Little things. When they finished, Louie thought of the best idea ever, of course saying that I use so much sarcasm.

Louie-You should sing with us, Darci!


Liam-Yeah, you should! It would be great!

Harry-It would make the show complete! Please?

Zayn-Yeah, please?

Me-I don't know.

Niall-You should do it. You could sing and play the guitar with me! PLEASE???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Me-*laughs*Okay, fine. I'll do it!


Louie-Okay, so come over here and stand at the end of the steps. We'll sing Little Things and when Niall's solo comes, all the lights will shut off, and two spotlights will hit you and Niall. As you two are singing that part, you'll walk up the steps and then met in this spot. Okay?


So they practiced all their songs. When the music for Little Things came on, I went to the steps near the end of the stage. All the lights cut off and then a spotlight hit me and Niall and I started to sing. I walked up the steps, and some how Niall and I ended up at the spot on the stage at the same time. Once the solo was over, our lights went out and one showed up on Harry and he sang his part. Then the lights came back on and we all sang the chorus together. Then everybody clapped and cheered. The guys and I linked arms and bowed. Then we practiced for six more hours. I was so tired when we finally stopped. I got on Niall's back and he carried me out to the car. After two minutes of being in the car, I fell asleep on Niall's shoulder.

~~Niall's POV~~

Darci fell asleep on my should in the car. She really got better as a singer. I put my arm around her and she snuggled closer to me. Back at the hotel, I carried her to our room and layed her down in my bed.  I went Harry and Louie's room, where all the boys were at.

Harry-Where's Darci?


Liam-*laughs*She's not used to our life, yet?

Me-No, she was really tired.

Louie-She has an amazing voice.

Zayn-Yeah, and you said she could play the guitar, too?

Me-Yeah, she always used to sing to me. I always thought she would do something with her voice.

Harry-Why didn't she?

Me-She had a lot of things she had to do.

I looked down. She should of been the one to leave. That's what always got at me when we're on tour. I would start thinking about her and then I'd think about how bad of a person I was for leaving her there.

Louie-Well, we're glad she's here now. She's the life of the party!

We all laughed.

Zayn-What are you gonna do if she wants to go back home?

Me-I don't know.

Louie-I don't think she'll be able to stay with us forever.

Harry-yeah, mate. She's one of those people who need to go home after a while. And you have no idea what your gonna do if that happens.

Me-I.....I......I'd probably go with.

The look they gave me made me confused. What even made them ask me this? Did she talk to them about wanting to go home? Or are they just asking random questions? I put my head in my hands.

What would I do if she wanted to go home? I can't just leave with her. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and Zayn.

Zayn-Sorry I brought it up, mate.

Me-It's okay. I really don't know what I would do. I can't just leave and I don't want her to leave me, ever. I think I should go check on her. I'll see you guys in the morning.

Them-Okay, mate.

I walked out of the room and down the hall to were Darci and I's. I opened the door and saw that she was still asleep on my bed. I went over to my bed and sat down next to her. I leaned down and kissed her forehead.

Me-*whispers into ear*Are you asleep?

Darci-A little.

She giggled and turned over to look at me, but she didn't sit up. She put her arms around my neck and smiled up at me.

Darci-How did I get up here?

Me-I carried you up here.

Darci-Oh, where were you a couple minutes ago?

Me-With the guys.

Darci-Are you okay? You seem...kinda distant.

Me-Um they were just talking about our new music video.

Darci-Don't lie to me, silly shamrock.

Me-I'm not.

Darci-You are.

Me-*sighs* Okay. Are you planning on leaving and going home?

Darci-*laughs*Not anytime soon. Is that what's wrong? You think I'm going to leave you and go home?

I looked away. She gripped my chin and made me look back at her.

Darci-I'm not going home any time soon. And if I do, I'm taking you with me.

Me-*smiles*I guess I can deal with that.


She pulled me down to her by my neck. She smiled even bigger than she did before. She pressed her lips to mine. And like every time before, I felt the fireworks. Like she was really mine forever and nothing break us. My arms went around her and pulled her on top of me. Her hands played in my hair, she always did that. She broke apart for a minute. And when she looked at me, her breath was ragged and her eyes were cloudy with what looked like confusion. But instead of moving away from me like I thought she would of, she brought her lips back to mine, more fierce this time than ever before. I loved it. She was every where inside my head. She was the only thing left on my mind when she pulled away from me once again. This time, she layed her head down on my chest. I kept my arms around. I could feel her heart beat, just as fast as mine. As the time went on, I felt it slow down and I knew she was asleep. I smiled at the beautiful angel she was and fell asleep.

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