Chapter 17-New Place, Stomach Aches

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~~Darci's POV~~

I woke up and saw Niall and Harry in the kitchen making breakfast. I smiled at them. Niall looked like her had no idea what he was doing. Harry was getting mad and you could tell. I got up and went over to them in the very small kitchen.

Me-For someone who loves to eat, you can't cook, silly shamrock.

Niall-I'm trying. Can you do better?

Me-You know I can do better.

I made them both leave. I loved cooking, baking, anything in the kitchen, except clean it. I made breakfast; eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits, potatoes, sausage. I woke the other guys up and we all ate. Once we were done, Niall and Zayn took all the stuff back to the kitchen.

Me-Now, you guys get to clean up!

Louie-Wait, what?

Me-I made breakfast, you ate, you get to clean it up. Thanks, guys. I'm gonna get dressed.

I walked to the small but big bathroom. There was a shower, so that's what I did. I showered. Then I put this I liked the green and the white. I usually don't get dressed up, but I was kinda missing home. I wore my hair natural in stead of straightening it, like I've done most of my life. I don't think Niall would even remember a time when I didn't straighten my hair. I walked out of the bathroom. The boys all looked at me as I went to my suit case and put some things away. I turned and saw them staring at me. The dishes were done and they were cleaning up the floor and tables.

Me-Is something wrong?

Niall-N-no, not at all.

His stutter was cute. I smiled and fixed Niall and I's bed. Then I sat on it. Niall wouldn't stop staring at me. Every time I noticed him staring at me, He'd wink at me and I'd smile and roll my eyes. I laid my head on the pillow and tried to day dream. But there was nothing for me to think about. Suddenly, the bus stopped. The driver came to us and told us that we had gotten there a day early. We got excited. They took all our things to the hotel we were gonna be staying in this time. This hotel was bigger and it was just for stars that visited. So there wasn't a lot of people there. Actually, there might have been two other people there. The guys and I ran to the top floor, were we asked for our rooms to be, so we could look out the windows and see the amazing view. Niall and I got a room together again. And the other guys all got their own rooms. The bedrooms only had one bed. I smiled at Niall.


Me-Looks like a certain blonde boy is sleeping on the floor.

Niall-Your funny. Half of that beds mine, the other half is yours.

Me-But you don't like to stay on your half.

Niall-That's because your half is so much better.

Harry and Zayn were racing up and down the halls. Louie and Liam were timing them. Niall and I walked over to watch. I was faster then all of them except Harry and Zayn, I think any ways.

Me-Me next!

Harry-I don't think so, little one. Your not as advanced.

Me-Excuse me. I can beat you both.

I slapped my hand over my mouth because I knew it wasn't true. Harry and Zayn smirked at me.

Zayn-Is that a challenge, love?


Harry-I think it is, mate.

Me-No it definitely wasn't.

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