Chapter 12-Niall and I

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~~Darci's POV~~

Niall had taken me up to our room and left for a minute. He came running back in the room with a few things. First was a small rectangular box. He handed it to me. I opened it and my mouth dropped. It was another bracelet. Purple and green and it had "DMF+NJH" on it. I smiled. It was our initials. He helped me put it on the other wrist. Then another little box, only a little bigger.

Me-This isn't gonna be like Louie's present and have nothing in it, is it?

Niall-*laughs* No I promise.


I opened it and saw my favorite movies, Save the Last Dance and Grease, in it. I smiled. I hadn't seen these movies in forever.

Niall-And no matter how much I hate this movie, we'll watch it tonight. As long as you sleep with me.


Niall-*fake pouts*You don't wanna sleep with me?

Me-I never said that, silly shamrock. I only sighed because its been a long day.

Niall-Oh okay!*smiles*

He handed my the last one, which was bigger than the rest. I opened the box and saw the photo graph book he got me when we were 12. I looked up at him confused.

Niall-Just open it.

I did. But I only saw all the pictures that were there before. That was, until I got to where I thought it ended. But now there were more pictures. Some from the rehearsal, some from my first time in the park, and a lot from earlier today in the park and from the time Niall and I spent together. I don't remember taking that many pictures though. But I smiled at each one. I looked so happy with Niall. And the guys of course. But mostly Niall. Even though, I had this nagging sensation in my stomach that said I should go home, I was way happier here than I was there. I closed the book and threw my arms around him. He put his arms around me too.

Niall-Are you okay? Do you like them?

Me-I love them, Niall! Their amazing.

I could feel tears sliding down my cheeks and I think he could too, because he pulled back and whipped them away.

Niall-Then why are you crying?

Me-Happy tears?

Niall-Tell me the truth.

Me-*looks down* I never knew how much I missed you until you came back. And I just realized that at some point, I have to go back. And I can't take you with me. And then it'll just be me again.

He wrapped his arms around me again, tighter this time.

Niall-I'm never gonna let you leave. No matter what. Now come on.

He whipped my tears away again. And then smiled at me.

Niall-Get your pj's on, so we can watch this movie and go to bed.


I ran to the bathroom and threw on my pajama's. I came back out and saw Niall had taken his shirt off and had put on some sweat pants to sleep in. He was sitting at the end of the bed, putting the movie in. I ran and jumped on his bed, taking his spot. He turned and looked at me. He got up and came over to where I was at.

Niall-No, move over.

Me-Please, silly shamrock?

Niall-No. *smiles*

Me-*puppy dog face* Pretty please?!


Me-Thank you, silly shamrock.

He walked around to the other side of the bed and got in. I usually always watch the movies, but for some reason there was some distraction. Oh yeah, Niall. He kept playing in my and trying to kiss me. It was at my favorite part in the entire movie when Niall reached over to me and pulled me to him, making it very hard to see the TV. He kissed my nose, then my cheek.

Me-I actually like this movie.

Niall-I know. But I don't, and I have nothing to do. So I'm entertaining myself.

I laughed and tried to move away. He held me tighter. Our lips were so close, but every time he tried to kiss me, I'd move my head.

Niall-Will you hold still, lucky duck?


Niall-Fine, watch the movie.

He let me go, and acted like a drama queen which made me laugh. I leaned over him for a minute.

Me-Aww, I'm sorry.

Before I could turn back over, he grabbed me and pulled me down to him. Our lips met and there went the fireworks, like every other time. His grip loosened on me after a minute. They just lay on my back, not tight, but not that lose. My hands played in his hair, like every time we've kissed. I loved his hair. Soft and smooth, just like his lips. I smiled in the middle of the kiss just thinking about him. It was so hard to stop kissing him once I started. I tried so hard to stop, but my body just wouldn't listen to my mind, so I just kept doing it. It would get sweet and soft and then it would be mean and rough. Or at times, both. It was amazing, just like everything else about him. I could hear the music from the movie in the back ground and it made everything even more perfect. That's how I always felt with Niall, perfect. Like nothing could go wrong in the world as long as we're together. Which I don't mind, because I love being with him. I was running out of air, but I loved it so much. I couldn't pull always, so I was gonna wait for him to, like I always did. I could feel his heart beating faster and faster as the kiss went on, and mine did the same. I love this kid, was the only thing going through my mind, until he finally broke away. His eyes looked cloudy, from the kiss, just like I bet mine were right now. But he pulled me right back to him for an even better kiss, which I didn't know was possible. His hands moved up and down my back and mu hands never went any where but his hair. After a minute or so, he let me go. Our breth was really ragged and my heart was beating so rapidly, I could even feel his beating, just as quick, or quicker then mine. I smiled and so did he. It was one of those moments that just got more and more perfect. That is until Harry came into our room.

Harry-Why is it always me that walks in on you to like this?

Me-Maybe it's because everybody else knocks and you just walk in.

I looked at the clock.

Me-At three A.M.

Niall-Is it really that early?

Harry-yeah, I just needed to know if you guys knew we had to be at the rehearsals at twelve tomorrow?

Me&Niall-Yeah, we know.

Harry-Okay, good night then. Carry on with whatever it was you were doing.

Harry walked out and I layed back on the bed. Niall moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled close to him and fell asleep, listening to his heart.

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