Chapter 8-Random

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The next morning, I woke up in my bed. And in my pajama's. But I don't remember coming up here last night. The last thing I remember about last night was sitting in the dinning hall with Niall holding me and us watching movies. I guess he must of brought me up here. But who changed me? I hope it was Niall. He's done it alot in my lifetime. Whenever we'd be out to late and I would be to tired, I'd fall asleep and he'd change me. I trust him with my life. I sit up and see Niall still passed out in his bed. He looked so cute. I got up and tip toed over to his bed, picked up the covers, and then climbed in. When I layed down, his arms wrapped around me and pulled me to him.

Niall-I've been waiting for you to get up.

Me-*smiles* I thought you were asleep.

Niall-I like surprising you. It usually gets me a kiss.

I gave him a small peck on the lips. He was expecting more and I wanted to give him more, but I couldn't. We had to get up and get ready for them to start rehearsing for their first concert here in America. He fake pouted when I climbed out of his bed.

Me-Get up, silly shamrock. We have to get ready for your rehearsal.

Niall-But I won't be able to focus on anything other than you if I don't get a kiss.

He fake pouted even more. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on his bed. I kissed him. Before I could pull away, he pulled me down on top of him, deepening the kiss once again. But I couldn't pull away. I didn't hear the door open either.

???-Ahhhhhh! My eyes!

Niall didn't want to let go, but I pulled away and looked up to see Harry and Louie covering their eyes in the middle of the doorway. Niall pulled me back down for one quick one and then I got up and skipped to the bathroom.

~~Niall's POV~~

Everything was quite for a minute, then the water in the shower started to run.

Harry-Mate! I guess its going well?

Me-Better then well. Perfect.

Louie-Aww, Niall. How cute! I can't wait to see what Paul thinks.

Me-Why would he care?

Harry-He's like our dad. He'd love to see the girl his second youngest son is with.

Me-Shut up, Harry! *laughs*

We all laughed. I layed back down and smiled like crazy. Remembering last night, made me smile even more. I think I'm going crazy with this girl. A girl I've know my entire life, and have loved almost my entire life. I got up and told the guys to leave.  I grabbed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I put them on.

Darci-Lazy day?

I turned around and saw her wearing I smiled.

Me-Great minds think alike?

Darci-Don't they always?

Me-*laughs*Yeah. We should go see if the guys are ready.


We walked out of the room and I looked the door with the room key. Then we walked to the guys room and knocked.

Harry-I got it!

The door swung open and there stood Harry, with just his boxers on. It was normal for me. He always walks around like that. But I saw Darci, who had put her hands over her eyes. Harry and I laughed.

Harry-It's okay, love. I'm covered.

Darci-Nu uh! Put some pants on!

Louie-You've finally met a girl who doesn't like you in your undies!

We all laughed, but Darci, who still wouldn't put her hands down.

Liam-Puts some pants on, Harry!

Harry*laughs* Fine, I'm going.

He walked to the bathroom. Darci peeked through her fingers.

Darci-Is he gone?



Me-We leaving soon?

Louie-Yeah, as soon as we can get Zayn and Harry out of the bathrooms.*laughs*

We waited for about ten minutes, meaning we were gonna be late, and finally Harry and Zayn were both out of the bathroom. We all went to the cars and drove to the arena. There was a lot of people there when we got there. And we started rehearsing right away.

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