Chapter 24-Fast Forward

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~~Darci's POV~~

Okay, so everything is moving really fast now. Like the tour is coming to an end. We're staying in the last hotel we'll have to stay in until we go home, or back to England. Six months. Niall and I have been together for six months. This tour has been going on for six months. Harry, Liam, Louie, and Zayn have been like brothers for six months. I've been away from home for six months. I can't tell you how much I miss home. The guys have made everything better, though. Their fake accents are hilarious and always epic fails. But I love them for trying. Niall and I's first fight was about a guys smacking my bum when I was walking with Niall in a city and me not doing anything about it. That was about four months ago. We didn't fight often, but when we did, you don't want to be within two miles of it. But we always make up because we cant sleep at night when we're angry at each other. Harry and Lia? Their in love. You can see it, even if they don't. They are. Its the same with the way they used to say it to Niall and I. They can never be apart. During the concerts, Harry would run off stage and give her a kiss and she would shoo him and tell him to get back on the stage. Their cute. That's pretty much all that's happened. The last concert finally ended and now, we're all back on their plane. Flying back to England. The guys all seem pretty happy. I don't. I wouldn't sit with them on the plane. Not even Niall. I sat in the little corner seat were no one would sit next to me, unless they really tried. And no body really tried. Niall was asleep when I moved away from him. He still is asleep. Or at least I think he is. There was a doorway that was blocked with a curtain was the only thing separating me from all the guys. I was ready to go home. But I wanted to go to my home. Not their home. I let a tear fall down my cheek. I closed my eyes. I heard the curtain open, but I didn't need to look to see who it was. I knew. It was Niall. I could smell his cologne from where I was sitting. He walked over to me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was sitting on his knees. On the floor. He pulled me down to the floor with him. He wrapped his arms around me and I cried silently into his chest. After a minute, he pulled me away.

Niall-What's wrong?

Me-I want to go home.

Niall-We are going home.

Me-No, our home. Where we were born. My little house and my little job.

Niall-I know, Lucky duck. I miss it too. But I rarely get to see home.

Me-I know. But it's so hard for me.

Niall-Why do you want to go back? There's nothing there for you.

Me-Except my home. The place I grew up in. Everything is there.

Niall-Do you want to go back that bad?

Me-Yes. But I don't want to leave you. Your my everything. But I need to go home. Just to see it.

Niall-I'll talk to the guys.

???-Talk to the guys about what?

We turned and saw the boys all standing there in the doorway.

Niall-Darci misses home. She wants to go back.

Harry-I don't know if we can.

Louie-We have to check with our manager.

Liam-To see if we can.

Zayn-We've got a lot of things we have to do here first.

Louie-Could you maybe wait for another month?

Me-Uh, yeah. I guess I could.

But by the end of the month, they had more stuff to do. It was getting harder and harder. After being away from home for almost a year, everything started to turn bad for me. I didn't want to leave the house. Niall and me we're still strong. He never wanted to leave me. When he stayed with me, he was my light. The guys never left me when I needed help. But I felt terrible. I was running out of things to do inside. I was getting bored. I was getting tired. At the end of the year, I was ready to leave. To jet out the door and run home. But I couldn't. I don't know what I'd do without Niall. To have to be apart from him. He was my everything. But I needed to get home to. To see everything I left behind. I can't just leave, though. Or could I? Should I?

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