Confused - Chapter 1

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"I can't believe my mum's making us do this," Josh groans angrily, plopping himself down next to me. I grin at my best friend.

"Who gives? We're getting old, might as well try and stay young" I shrug, imitating an old man's voice. I turn back to Josh and he has a goofy grin on his face.

"We're next," he sits up and watches my team get more points.

"We're soooo much better than you doofus," I give him a shove. Josh sticks his tongue out at me.

"Our turn," I squeal, laughing uncontrollably. Josh stands up and jogs on the spot, leaving me laughing till my ribs burn with pain.

"Hey! That's cheating! You made me tired already!" I growl, trying to contain my grin. Josh shrugs.

"Your loss Gen. Now get ready to be embarrassed in front of everyone!" Josh says, winking. I roll my eyes.

"You wish," I snap back.

"Stop flirting with Gen, Josh and get ready," Connor's teases. I stick my tongue out at the boy behind the speakerphone. Connor looks remarkably like Josh, but their jawlines are different. Besides, they are brothers, they're meant to look the same.

"Get ready," Connor shouts again. I see Josh crouching over in the corner of my eye.

"Show off," I mumble to myself.

"We all know that I am the fastest out of everyone here right Josh? Since what, when we were three?" I brag.

"Pff. At least I could walk," Josh shows me his straight, white teeth as he grins.

"Shut up. It's funny cause I could crawl faster than you could walk," I snap, smiling.

"Well that's going to change," Josh gives me a light shove, that almost sends me over.

"Yeah, yeah," I say rubbing my arm. God, that kid is strong.

"Get set," I position myself, still trying not to laugh at Josh's crouch.

"GO!" I sprint forward, giggling and sticking my tongue out as I pass Josh easily. Well, I got past him easily, but I slowed down a bit, to cheer him on. Bad idea. He grabs me by the waist surprisingly, and we tumble onto the grass.

"Hey!" I shriek as I catch my breath. "Unfair! I declare a rematch!" I manage to scream out, giggling. That's when I realise I'm lying on top of Josh, his hands still gripped on my waist. I stare into his eyes, everything around me blurring. I study his face, amazed how I didn't realise the light green border around his hazel eyes. Josh stares right back.

"Ahem, you guys wanna get off each other?" a voice snaps me back to attention. I turn scarlet.

"Um, uh, yeah.. give me a sec," I stutter, and roll of Josh, my cheeks burning. I glance at Josh, and his face is red, and the tips of his ears bright pink. Josh stands up first, and offers me his hand. I take it, and his strong grasp pulls me up in no time.

I dust the remaining grass that's stuck on my new, maroon jeans. Smears of green are smudged all over the sides and my butt.

"Ugh! I hate you Josh, these are new pants!" I groan, clutching my sore leg. Josh stifles a laugh.

"You look like you shi-- did something in your pants," Josh says, careful not to swear in front of the kids, but loud enough for everyone to hear. I pull a ferocious face at him as everyone giggles.

"I hate you," I mutter.

"Love ya too Gen," Josh answers. I sit myself down again and I pull my jeans up to my shin, revealing the huge bruise, and laugh.

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now