Confused - Chapter 19

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“Are you kidding?!” Josh chuckles at me.

“I’m serious,”

“No way,” I snap, shaking my head furiously.

“Oh come on baby,” he tries to convince me. I shake my head again, arms crossed. Josh steps closer to me and takes his shirt off.

“Good try,” I snarl, but my eyes are glued to his perfectly shaped body. Josh smirks then undos his belt.

“Josh,” my voice wobbles as he begins to slide down his pants.

“OKAY OKAY!” I turn around and shut my eyes, tempted. When I open my eyes, Josh is grinning like a mad man, yanking his pants up again.

“Thanks Genny,” he sing songs, grabbing his shirt and pulling it back over his head. I roll my eyes.

“You owe me,” I sit down on his bed and cross my arms.

“Oh do I?” Josh asks seductively. I nod, biting my lip as he steps closer to me.

“Yes, you do,” I confirm with him. Josh steps a bit closer, causing me to practically stop breathing. He whips off his shirt and starts to unzip his pants. I swear under my breath.

“OKAY OKAY!” I manage to scream, “You win.. again,” I croak. Josh smirks then whips his shirt back on. Again.

“I wouldn’t mind having these off. You sure you want me to have them on?” Josh teases me, gesturing towards his clothes. I frown and pout again.

“You’re a bully,” I whine. Josh grins.

“But you love me,” he reasons.

“Maybe, maybe not,” I lie. Josh rolls his eyes and grabs my waist. Squealing, I give in and kiss him passionately. Josh smiles at my sudden surrender and pulls away.

“Lets get you ready for your big night!” he rubs his hands together.

“Wait, tonight?!” I almost choke. Josh grins and tugs at the hem of his shirt again. I flinch and look away.

“I already moved everything into my apartment,” I say walking out.

“Well I’m driving you,” Josh grabs my arm.

“Don’t worry bout it, I drove my car. I’ll text you the address,” I walk out again.

“Can I come?” he asks.

“Perv,” I wink, but accept. Just in case he pulls that trick again.

“But no clothes off at my place. Or I’ll call security,” I warn him. Josh chuckles.

“Yeah yeah totally,”


“Whoah,” Josh breathes out. I laugh and throw my keys on the bright blue couch.

“The wall are so white.. but look at your furniture..” he mumbles. I grin and look around my apartment again proudly. I went furniture shopping once I got my apartment, and decided on white walls and bright coloured furniture.

“Well, I’m getting dressed. Stay out here.. and out of trouble,” I laugh and swiftly kiss him on the cheek, and I walk into my bedroom; locking the door. For reasons..

“Gen?” Josh calls from the kitchen. I roll my eyes, laughing and I pull on my soft white jumper, and grey leggings along with my black air forces.

“Gen help me!” he calls out again.

“Yes?” I walk out of my bedroom, tying my hair into a high ponytail. I crack up laughing when I see Josh.

“What did you do?!” I giggle hysterically and rush over to him.

“I don’t know?! I was getting a bottle of water.. then my jacket gets hooked to some random hook in the wall!” he pouts. I giggle, clutching my stomach and trying to unhook his jacket. Josh sticks out his lip, and pretends to sob. I roll my teary eyes and manage to get his jacket off.

“Fanks Denny,” he mocks a baby voice and pecks my lips. I giggle.

“Ret’s go Doshy,” I use the name that I used to call him when we were younger. Hey, I couldn’t day my J’s  back then.

“Josh, do I have to do this?” I whine for the millionth time. Josh chuckles again.

“Mmmhm,” he murmurs. I squirm in my seat.

“I dun want to Dosh,” I brood, frowning.

“You’ll be fine Denny,” he mocks again. I roll my eyes and giggle.


“Josh you’re drunk!” I shout over the screeching that appears to be a very drunk Jakob singing ‘Strip’ by Chris Brown. Josh shakes his head.

“Nuh I’m not,” he refuses to admit that he left me for Jake and then drank.

“Yes you are!” I shout over Jake’s terrible voice again.

“Okay fine! But just a bit!” Josh finally slurs. I wince at the smell and sit myself back down onto the stool.

“You know, this song suits to what you were doing before,” I confess to Josh, trying to sound stern. He laughs and shakes his head.

“And you enjoyed it,” Josh winks.

“Oh really? Then why would I want you to put your clothes back on?” I snap, giggling.

“Cause you couldn’t resist me,” Unfortunately, I was taking a swig of water from a cup and once Josh remarked that, it came out all over some blondie’s shirt. Josh giggles then runs away.

“Oh shit! I’m so sorry!” I stand up and grab some tissues. The blonde turns around, and my blood turns cold.

“Oh looky here. It’s the infamous Genevieve Murphy. Hanging out with my boyfriend, Joshua,” her cold voice spits out. I grit my teeth and clench my fists, making sure no emotions show on my face. Why did I have to spit on her?!

“Hi Lanchen,”

Yay I finished ittt! I’m so sorry that you had to wait for like.. a week, but since it’s holidays, I’m out enjoying myself! Hehehehe, well enjoy this, feedback is welcome, and next chapter.. uhh I don’t know.. but asap! (: x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now