Confused - Chapter 7

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I wake up to the sound of familiar shouting. I keep my eyes shut and I try to move my hands. They don't budge.

"What do you mean she won't get better?! She just fell! It can't have that much damage on her!" the familiar voice shouts again.

"Mr Hutcherson, I'm afraid Genevieve is in some sort of coma. We have to rely on her to wake up. She is fragile, so even a fall like that could damage her," another voice replies gently. I open my eyes slighty, and I can see Josh's back. He's rubbing his face, and his eyes are puffy and red. I prop myself up onto my elbows, ignoring the pain shooting up my arms. Josh still has his back on me, so I think of something to say.

"I'm alive you know," I say loudly, smirking. Josh spins around, eyes wide. His eyes widen and he runs over to me and grabs my hands.

"You scared the hell out of me!" he yells, hugging me tightly.

"Ow, watch the broken bones," I wince. Josh releases me and stares into my eyes.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't of asked you to go with me," his whole body is shaking.

"No it isn't. Josh, don't," I plead him, patting his back. "It's no-ones fault. I was just thinking about--" I stop talking abruptly. Josh looks up and gives me a reassuring look.

"Thinking about what Gen?" he whispers.

"My.. dad," I murmur, tears springing into my eyes. Josh gently rubs my hand with his thumb fondly. That's when I notice my leg.

"Oh gosh," I laugh, changing the subject. "Woo-hoo! I'm in a cast!" I say sarcastically. Josh rolls his eyes.

"And you're back to the old Gen," he winks, laughing, pulling me into another warm hug.

"How long was I out?" I say, stretching, still staring at my numb leg.

"About a week. You're mum and Stefani thought about leaving school just to fly over here to check on you!"

"Oh," is all I can say. "When can I check out?"

"Woops, I have to tell the doctor," Josh reminds himself. "Just wait here,"

"Don't think I can go anywhere," I joke. Josh turns around and laughs, shaking his head.

After a couple of minutes, a doctor with round glasses and scruffy, black hair walks in.

"Genevieve! You've woken! Your boyfriend's been worried sick!" I frown. Boyfriend? Josh coughs uncomfortably.

"Um, she's just a friend," he corrects the doctor.

"But I thought you said she was-- Oh yes, of course," he cuts off quickly. Josh turns beetroot red. I raise my eyebrows. Another awkward thing about Josh will be added onto the list.

"You can check out tonight. We just have to do a blood test and then we'll help you practise on your crutches. I groan. Ew crutches. Josh's still slightly pink.

"Alright, thank-you so much," Josh says quickly, then the doctor walks out.

"Don't you think he looked like Harry Potter? But in a white cloak version? With no scar?" I joke. Josh shakes his head, grinning from ear to ear.

"You are so immature,"


Click-click-click-click-click is all you can hear the entire time we are walking. Josh decided to park his car a million miles away. He keeps turning around and laughing at me.

"Shut up!" I snap, clickity clicking behind him. He stops in front of me and lifts me up.

"That's it! I'm sick of it! That sound is extremely annoying," he says, walking slowly, me in his arms.

"You wouldn't have to listen to it if you just had carried me in the first place," I say, happily, holding onto my crutches tightly.

"How can you even manage to pick me up?" I ask curiously. I'm not that light. Or maybe I am. I don't know.

"Have no idea," he replies, unlocking his car door. He carries me into the passenger seat at the front, clicks my seatbelt in the walks to the driver's seat, crutches in his hands. I watch him in amazement. He can carry me all that way and not be puffed out? Scary.

Another silent car.. um.. experience. I remember about Charlotte.

"Hey Josh," I say out of the blue. Josh turns to me and smiles.


"What happened?" I repeat the same sentence from Jakob's party.

Josh cringes but slowly he explains: "Me and Charlotte were never really a.. thing. We were always arguing and we just never got along I guess. I don't think I ever really did love her, I guess I was just lonely from.." he pauses, "Vanessa," he says, almost in a whisper. "Charlotte really was nice. Was. She could be a really good friend if she wanted to. But if you mess with her, oh gosh will you be sorry. So when I broke it off with her, she raged at me for ages then stormed out, screaming at me to rethink about it. I don't really get it. She thought we were a thing, when I was just playing around, you know?" I nod quickly, understanding.

"I have no idea how she knew we were at Jake's. She finds me everywhere. It's like she has some tracker on me or something. But it's been ages since I saw her, so seeing her last week was.. a shock," he finishes. I give him a sympathetic smile.

"How long were you guys.. hanging out?" I ask, careful with my words. Josh exhales loudly.

"A few weeks," he answers finally. I nod.

We stay silent for the rest of the car ride. Josh just frowns and keeps driving the whole way. I clear my throat.

"Josh, I'm sorry," I blurt out before I can stop myself, "I didn't mean to butt into your.. personal life," Aren't I part of his personal life? Josh smiles weakly.

"Don't apologise. It's nice to talk about it with someone. Someone that I can actually trust," he murmurs. I lean over, ignoring the pain in my arm and I give him a swift kiss on the cheek. Josh blushes, but gives me grin.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to call my mum and Demi," he whips out his phone. Demi is my mum, by the way. I place my hand on Josh's and take his phone out of his hand.

"I'll do it," I say gently. Josh nods. I dial my mum's phone number and hold it up to my ear.

"Hello, Demi's phone, Stefani speaking," a very familiar voice says chirpily.

"Stef! Hi! It's Genevieve!" I say laughing. Stef squeals.

"Oh my gosh Gen! Are you okay? Are you calling from the hospital? Oh gosh, we've been worried sick!" she questions me, talking incredibly fast. I hear a faint voice in the background.

"Who is it Stef? Is it someone from work?" It's mum.

"I'll put you on speaker. MUM IT'S GEN!" I hear Stef call. I hear someone trot over in high heels. I smile and roll my eyes.

"Oh my gosh Genevieve! Are you alright? What's happened?" she asks, worry in her voice.

"Mum I'm fine! I'm on my way home with Josh from the hospital. No big damage. Just a sore leg. I'm in a cast," I explain, laughing. I hear mum sigh in relief, not in relief that I hurt myself, she's just relieved that I'm concious.

"Oh gosh Gen. You scared the living lights outta me! Stef and I were going to drop school and work and fly over there!" I laugh, reassuring her.

"I was just unconscious for a little while, no big deal," I say. I feel Josh's gaze on me.

"Hey mum, can I call you back when we get home?" I ask. Mum agrees.

"Rest okay? Call me first thing tomorrow!"

"Alright. Love you mum, bye Stef!" I say my byes then hang up. I breathe out slowly.

"It's only been a couple of weeks and I miss them already," I admit. Josh leans over and hugs me with one arm.

"Well, you've got me," he winks. I shake my head, laughing.

Hey guys! Sorry that it took so long to get this chapter up, but I've been working my butt off! This chapter isn't that long, but I'll make up for it in chapter 8! Anyway, enjoy!

Dee, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now