Confused - Chapter 18

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I’ve planned it out. I’m like a ninja. Okay so; I’m going to climb the Josh’s window. And then I’m going to sing him a song. And then hopefully he’ll forgive me.

I continue to drive down his street, extra carefully, since I turned the headlights off. I park two houses away from Josh’s, and I close the door gently. The wet, spongy grass seeps into my flats and I wince at the coldness. I try to ignore the cold air against my feet and legs (Why am I wearing a T-shirt and shorts?!) and I make my way towards Josh’s bedroom window.

The window is open, and the curtains are parted. I grin to myself, but it disappears when I see Josh. His eyes are puffy, and bloodshot, his hair all tangled, a small goatee beginning to appear. His eyes are glued to the TV screen, a program of our childhood favourite playing. I could tell he wasnt processing any of it. He looks like he hasnt got an inch of sleep.  I take a breath in and start to sing ‘Mine’ by Taylor Swift.

You were in college working part time waitin’ tables

Left a small town, never looked back

I was a flight risk with a fear of fallin’

Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts

I say “Can you believe it?”

As we’re lying on the couch.

The moment I can see it.

Yes, yes, I can see it now.

Josh’s head spins around and his sad face stretches into a grin and he turns his body so his fully facing me. I keep singing, trying not to burst into laughter. Josh looks like he’s doing the same.

Do you remember, we were sitting there by the water?

You put your arm around me for the first time.

You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter.

You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.

Flash forward and we’re taking on the world together,

And there’s a drawer of my things at your place.

You learn my secrets and you figure out why I’m guarded,

You say we’ll never make my parents’ mistakes.

But we got bills to pay,

We got nothing figured out,

When it was hard to take,

Yes, yes, this is what I thought about.

Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water?

You put your arm around me for the first time

You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter

You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.

I finish the song, and climb through the window, grinning like a mad-woman. Josh stands up and opens his arms, as I run and fall into them.

“I am so sorry for blaming you Josh, it wasn’t your fault. I guess I just.. I just got reminded about.. back then..” I mumble into his chest. I can hear Josh sigh in relief.

“I thought you were going to break up with me. I wouldn’t know what to do after that,” I feel a tear drop fall on my head. I look up.

“Hey, aren’t I meant to be crying?” I laugh sarcastically. Josh rolls his eyes and smiles.

“No, you were the one who bullied me,” Josh replies. I hit him playfully.

“No seriously. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you,” He hugs me tighter, as if I’m going to vanish. I cling onto him, savouring the smell of his shirt. I look up then leap onto his lips. Josh stumbles over and we fall on top of each other. I giggle I nibble his ear. I feel Josh shudder underneath me. He tugs at my shorts and I swat his hand away.

“Josh,” I say sternly. Josh pouts, his bottom lip sticking out.

“Don’t do that,” I peck his lips and stand up, but he pulls me back down.

“You can’t get away that easily,” he murmurs and then his lips come crashing down on mine again. I feel him smile.

“Josh! Have you seen my.. OH MY GOD!” Connor pushes the door open and he’s standing there mouth agape. I pull away and blush deeply. I forgot all about Josh’s family.

“Holy.. crap.. I.. oh my God,” Connor turns on his heels and runs out.

“CONNOR! COME BACK!” Josh shouts and stands up.

“Shit we’re stuffed,” Josh bites his lips. I smirk and touch his lip with my finger, making him release.

“Don’t bite your lip, you’ll bleed,” I mock him. Josh shoots me a look.

“Ha ha,” he crosses his arms across his chest. I stand up as well, dusting myself off.

“Baby, whats so bad about them finding out about us? We’ve kept it a secret for a really long time.. why can’t we just tell them?” I ask snuggling into Josh’s chest. Josh sighs.

“I bet Connor bet us to it, but let’s go down anyway,” Josh runs his hand through his hair and then grabs my hand, making our way down to the kitchen.


“Why didn’t you tell us before?! We would’ve been happy for you!” Michelle shakes her head in disbelief, but a smile on her lips. I shrug.

“I don’t know, sorry Michelle, guess it just crossed my mind,” I lie. Josh nudges me, and I give him a ‘We had to say something’ look. Josh blinks at me the  looks back at his parents.

“Sorry mum.. but now you know, so yeah okay bye,” Josh drags me out of the room, and I mouth ‘Sorry’ to her.

“What was that about?” I pull my hand out of his grip, and Josh laughs at my confused face.

“Doesn’t matter. Anyway, Gen did I ever tell you that you’re a great singer?” Josh changes the subject. I roll my eyes, blushing.

“Uh.. nup. No-one, apart from Stef and mum, has heard me sing,” I admit, sucking my teeth. Josh nods slowly, then smirks.

“Weeeeell. I was thinking.. let’s go somewhere.. somewhere where people can losten to your amazing voice,” Josh smirks. I look at him suspiciously.

“Where..” I ask raising one of my eyebrows.


Heheh here it is! Sorry that you had to wait for so long! But here it is, so yeah ahaha (: Oh, and something: people are asking me to post a photo of me.. should I..? (:< hehehhee maybe I will, maybe I won’t MUEHAHAHAHAH anyway, thanks for all the feedback, ily all!

Dee, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now