Confused - Chapter 14

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Hey guys! This is written in letter form, so yeah.. SURPRISE AHAHAHA (: Enjoy!

Dear Gennyvievey,

I told you I was going to write to you! I just met some of my co-stars. I already knew Jen, (Jennifer Lawrence), since I auditioned with her. She's Katniss. Don't worry, I won't choose her over you. She already has a boyfriend. ;) And so do you, so don't go wandering off and ditching me. How's Conny boy? Bet you're all missing me, but no one can miss me more than I miss you. Hehe I'm so cheesy. We've been filming 24/7, I'm so tired! :( I wish you were here with me, with your lame jokes, I won't be as bored as I am now. We had to rehearse the cave scene a lot.. yeah.. you know how it goes. But don't worry baby, I pretend her lips are yours. Anyway, I'm going to hit the bed, write back to me alright?

Love you,

Josh. x

Dear Joshywa,


Don't worry Joshy, I already have a new boyfriend. ;) Connor's happy you're gone. That means I get to flirt with him without you being there to scold me!

Ooh cave scene! Michelle just bought the book, I've already read it all. There's an awful lot of kissing hey! Enjoying it? I miss you so so much. BUT GUESS WHAT? I'm looking for my apartment next week. I wish you could just come back over and help me pick. :(

My jokes are not lame! You're the cheesy weird one, don't judge me! >:) I'm starting off my job soon. Damnit. Why do you get to travel the world while I'm stuck here doing lame photography? You're so lucky. Who are the actors playing Rue? And the careers, and Gale? You better take some photos and send them to me. And someday I will fly over there and meet them all! Mwuahahahaha.

Avan came by the other day, why did you tell him about auditioning and not me?! I'm your best friend! And your girlfriend! I'm going to play basketball with Addie and Jake and stuff. OH DID I TELL YOU? Jake asked Addie out! They're together now. It's so gross watching them make out every two seconds. But I guess when you come back, they'll know how it feels. >;) I'm going to go play basketball with them now, I'll write to you later, Kentucky. Don't ditch me.

Love Gen. xoxoxoxoxoxox

Dear New York,

I guess that I just forget about everything when I'm with you, that's why I forgot to tell you about THG audition. Yeah, I'm working with Jen, she's amazing. YOU FOUND ANOTHER GUY?! HOW DARE YOU. :( Have you picked out your apartment yet? You better take some photos of it when you do, for some photos of the cast. Amandla Stenberg plays Rue. And Alex, as in Alexander Ludwig, you know, our kinder buddy? Yeah He plays Cato. Clove is Isabelle Furhman, yep, the girl in Orphan. Glimmer is Levin Rambin, and Jack Quiad as Marvel. It's so cool working with everyone. Oh and Liam Hemsworth as Gale. Well, let me guess, you're going on Google after you read this right? ;) I read you like a book, and I can't even see you right now. There's an awful lot of kissing. But don't worry babe, your lips are better. Hehe. When are you starting your job? Are you gonna buy a studio?

OH GUESS WHAT. I forgot to tell you. They dyed my hair blonde. Well, first they dyed it green, then purple then pink then finally they got the right blonde. I swear, I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror and I have a heart attack, I'm not used to me being a blondie. I probably look like your friend Grace, the one you talk about all the time. But as you said, she's hawt. Like me ;)

How DARE you flirt with my lil bro! Don't make me go run off with Levin. Look her up. She's hawt stuff. ;) Avan visited?! I haven't seen him in ages! Gosh, of he comes by again, tell him to call me! And Addie and Jake were meant to be. They're literally made for eachother!

Hey, gotta go, going out to lunch with Jen. Don't worry! Not a date. Just lunch ;) Say hi mum and dad, and Con.

Love you,

Josh. x

Dear Kentucky,

I can't believe that you get to work with Isabelle and Amandla and Jack and Jen and Liam and Levin! Yep, I've been on Google. Levin is gorgeous. I bet your head over heels for her. ;) ;) AND OMG OMG ALEXANDER? I haven't seen him in ages! Say hi to him from me! Heheheh blondie! Nah, Grace is way hotter than you babe. But she's not a guy, so I guess I'm stuck with you Kentucky. :D

I'm picking my apartment out next week. Connor's coming. OH ABOUT CONNOR. I was out with Addie and of course, Jake was tagging along and we walked into the carpark and Connor was there with a girl. Kissing. ARGH! Our little boy is growing up ;') I guess I better give up flirting with him.

Did Avan call you? I asked him to. He came by again yesterday and we were looking through your photo albums, and I saw your little scrap book. And you know what was in it! I can't believe you would stick heaps of photos of me in it. Thats embarrassing! Avan pissed himself. We also watched all the movies you were in. I regret that. I swear, all those memories of when you used the line, "Get me a juice box beyotch," against me. >:( Anyway, how's filming? I miss you so much. I'm starting my job as soon as I get my studio done and dusted.

I gotta go, call me as soon as you get this, I need to lecture you.

Love, Gen. xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo

Dear New York,

CONNOR HAS A GIRLFRIEND AAAAAAW TEASE HIM FOR ME. And say hi. (: Yeah Avan called me. And told me about you looking through my stuff! Betrayer! I am so embarrassed right now. You do know that I liked you ever since we met? If you could see me right now, I swear I will dig a hole and die in there. :'( Don't tease me baby, and I won't ditch you for Levin. I think she has the hots for Alex anyway. They should be, he's literally sooo bulk. Ew I sound like a girl.

Good luck finding an apartment babe. I miss you so much. Filming is so much fun. But it's boring without you. :( And your weird remarks. And your pouty faces. ;) I'm coming back in three weeks! I can't wait to wrap my arms around you. Don't run off without me now.

Love you,

Josh. x

P.S By the way, since I am the best boyfriend ever, here are some photos of the cast. Love you.

Dear Josh,

YOU'RE COMING HOME NEXT WEEK WOOP WOOPPP! I can't wait! I've picked out my apartment, it's cute as! I'm still moving stuff in, I'm still staying at your place. But don't worry, I'll be out when you get back. ;) I'm starting business a day before you come back. Do you think I'll get anyone? Hopefully I do.

AHHHH AT THE PHOTOS. I love the capitol costumes! And Jennifer makes a great Katniss. You jist totally ruined it. Nah jokes. You're the hottest out of them all. I can't wait to see it. ACTUALLY, I ANT WAIT TILL YOU GET BACK!!!!

AHHHHH! Sorry baby, I gotta go, duty calls. Love you heaps, see you soon.

Love, Gen. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Hahhaa I did it! Hope you guys liked this lame surprise, can I please have feedback on it? Thanks!

Dee, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now