Confused - Chapter 23

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“What are you doing here Charlotte?” Josh says, trying not to sound too mean. Charlotte giggles.
“To see my Joshy of course,” she slurs. I stand there looking from Josh to Charlotte.
“Charlotte, please, just go,” Charlotte raises a tattooed eyebrow. Kathryn and Kelly or whatever her friend’s names are, step forward and glare at me.
“Why me Josh? Why do I never get the guy? I’ve got the looks,” I scoff and she shoots me a look, “And I’ve got the.. looks, so why don’t you love me? Huh? LOVE ME JOSH!” she leaps at Josh and he seems so surprised, but he steps back in time, and she stumbles over.

“Let’s get outta here,” Josh grabs my hand and pulls me out. I stand there, trying to hold in my laughter. Josh frowns at me.
“Thats not funny. Some girl just came up to me and almost kissed your boyfriend, and all you do is laugh?” Josh pouts. I let my laughter out.
“That is going on my list,” I make a mental note. Josh gives me a confused look, then his eyes widen.
“No. Way. What! You still have that stupid list?!” When we were younger, Josh and I both made a list of embarrassing things that happened to each other, so Josh had one on me, and I had one on him. I, by very far, had many more things on my list of him. He was an extremely clumsy, dopey kid.
Josh opens the door of the car for me, and I hop in.
“Being a gentlemen right now isn’t going to make me not add it in,” I laugh. Josh groans.
“I thought it was working,” he stamps his foot, but then leans over and kisses me passionately.  I kiss back, but roll my eyes as well.
“Nice try smartass,” I laugh as we pull back.
“Ugh, I give up, I love you Gen,” he attempts again.
“Love you too Josh,” I reply and Josh scowls.
“You are so stubborn,”
——————————-Few Days Later——————————————
“Packed?” I spin around and see Josh leaning against the door.
“Um, yeah, I guess so,” I zip up my suitcase and walk towards him, wrapping my arms around him. Josh kisses my hair.
“I’m so glad you’re coming,” Josh mumbles. I hmm in reply, still snuggled in his chest.
“When are we leaving?” I ask Josh again. He checks his watch.
“It’s 11:30 and our flight is at 1, so we leave in a half hour,” Josh replies, “Wanna go put the stuff in my car?” Josh asks.
“Sure do,”
“Flight to Los Angeles leaves in five minutes, I repeat, flight to Los Angeles leaves in five minutes,” the voice over the PA calls. Josh looks at me in horror, and I reflect it back to him. We yank our bags and suitcases and run towards gate 169.
“Tickets please,”  The guy standing at the gate sticks his hand out and Josh hands him our tickets.
“Thank you, have a safe trip,” he smiles and steps aside to let us in.
“LA, here we come,”
Short :/ I know, and I’m sorry D: I’ll be trying to get the next chapter up soon, and next one shot, although the requested idea for the one shot is something I have never ever written before, or thought of writing before, so.. I’d like feedback on it when it gets posted (Samantha if you’re reading this, its your one shot) and well, yeah! So sorry for not posting a chap. for aaaaaaages, but yeah, I’m back on track (: Love you all!
Deeeeaarrrnnaaaaaaa, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now