Confused - Chapter 8

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"Thanks so much for staying with me and for the lift home," I thank Josh. He grins and helps me out of the car.

"My pleasure. I'm still trying to get over what happened. It all feels like a dream that you woke up. I lost faith over just a couple of days," he admits. I 'aw' him and he glares at me, but then laughs. Josh decides that carrying me into the house would be better than me waking up the whole neighbour hood with my crutches.

"What time is it? It's really dark," I whisper, yawning. Josh carefully takes out his phone.

"It's only seven," he murmurs, putting me down and unlocking the front door. Before Josh can open the door, it swings open and a very worried looking Michelle and Chris are standing there.

"Oh my gosh Genevieve!" she shouts, tears falling down her cheeks, she grabs me into a hug. I hug her back tightly, and I start laughing at Josh's face.

"No hug for your son?" he smirks. Michelle laughs and shakes her head.

"I'd rather eat my own shoe," she answers hastily, but then cracks up and pokes Josh in the chest.

"Oh gosh Gen, a broken leg?" she gasps, peering at my crutches and cast. I shrug.

"It's not broken, I think I just landed on it a bit badly, then whacked my head. No big deal,"

Michelle's mouth is in an 'o' shape.

"NO BIG DEAL? Of course it's a big deal!" she hugs me again, shaking her head. Chris rolls his eyes at her then motions a twirling finger around his temple, then points at Michelle. I laugh.

"Mum I'm hungry. Food might be nice," Josh says suddenly, helping me into the door. I grin at him.

"You right bud?" he asks me. I nod then start to laugh.

"Michelle is technically my mum. Always fuss, fuss, fuss. It's not bad, just..." I whisper to Chris.

"She's just a fussy fuss pants," he finishes my sentence for me then winks at me then walks into the kitchen.

"Thanks again Josh," I say cheerily. He hugs me. Fifth hundreth hug for today. But it's all good. Michelle and Chris treat me as their own. I used to find Josh and Connor like brothers, but now.. I don't know what feelings I have for Josh right now. I thrust the thoughts out of my aching head and clickity-click into the kitchen, Josh chuckling behind me.

"Oh no," I hear Michelle grumble when I walk into the kitchen. I stumble my way to her, putting an arm around her neck.

"I have no food in the cupboards, we have no 2 minute noodles or anything. Can you ask Chris or Josh to pop out and get some takeaway? I know it's not a ideal coming home from the hospital dinner, but it's all we've got. I'm sorry Gen," she admits. I hug her gently.

"It doesn't matter Michelle! Don't worry about it. It's not like I died then came back to life or anything," I laugh then give her a final hug then I walk, well limp, over to Josh.

"Hey you! Your mum asked if you could go and get some takeaway. She doesn't have anything to cook," I shout up the stairs. Josh comes stumbling down, only in his boxers. I roll my eyes, but I can't help but stare at his perfectly shaped abs. I cough to distract myself. Josh smirks.

"You like?" he winks. Flirt. I roll my eyes again.

"No, I just seemed to notice that layer of fat overlapping your other layer of fat," I smile at my own joke and repeat my sentence.

"Go get takeaway lazy butt," I say, trying to keep stable on my crutches. Josh's smile fades.

"You really are going to hurt yourself even more if you don't get better at using them," he helps me up, then pecks my forehead. I feel my cheeks burning up.

"I'll go get some pizza. But let me throw a shirt on first," he makes sure one more time that I am ok, then leaps up the stairs. I sigh and I throw my crutches onto the floor, making a huge 'BANG'.

"GEN?" Josh shouts out, running out with a t-shirt half on, half off.

"Yes?" I reply. Josh clutches his heart.

"You gave me a heart attack," he grumbles, pulling on his shirt properly.

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"I thought you fell or something," he admits, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine. Go get food before I do pass out, but because I'm so hungry!" Josh rolls his eyes.

"I'll see you in a bit," he gives me a comforting smile then slams the door behind him.

I slump down onto the first step, then I push myself to remember what happened that day. I frown deeply as the memory flashes in my mind. Charlotte's flirty smirk appears in my mind, followed by her icy glare. I stumblr upstairs and climb into my bed, covering my face and ears with my pillow.

I didn't run down to the kitchen when I heard Josh slam the door probably with the pizza. I don't want pizza. I just want to dig a hole and stay in there. I cause trouble. I bet Josh was fine without me. Dad said I was a burden sometimes, when he was alive. Sometimes I'm actually glad that he's gone. I'm so horrible! How can I think that? He's my dad! I bury my head back into my pillow, ignore Michelle's calls, and for the first time in years, I cry myself to sleep.

Hey guys! I am so so so sorry that this chapter took ages! I had four assignments due, and I've been going out a lot lately, but I'm working on chapter 9 right now, so I'll have it up tomorrow! Thanks for being soooo patient!

Dee, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now