Confused - Chapter 12

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"I was about to!" I lie. I can almost just see Grace rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THAT'S SOOO CUTE!" she squeals. I sigh, laughing slightly.

"Oh shut up. How did you figure out?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Are you kidding me? You're all over the magazines and all over TV!" I almost choke on my gum.

"TV?!" I shriek.

"Yep," she pops her 'p'. I bite my lip.

"I don't even want to check my Facebook," I moan. Grace agrees with me.

"Better not," I sigh loudly.

"Have you seen any hate?" I ask.

"Uhm.. no.. not really," Grace admits. I shut my eyes tightly. Why should I care? I should be happy that I'm with the guy that I love. Who cares about the paps?

"GEN! OH MY GOD GEN COME DOWN HERE!" I hear Josh shout from the kitchen.

"Hey Grace, Josh's calling, I'll call you tomorrow, bye!" Grace says bye, and I hang up and hurry down the stairs.

"Josh? Is everything okay?" I rush into the kitchen, and before I know anything, I'm being lifted into the air by Josh's strong arms. I scream in shock. When he puts me down, I stare up into his eyes.

"Whats up babe?" I ask.

"I GOT THE PART! I GOT IT!" he screams. I grab him by the shoulders.

"Got the part of what? Which movie?"

"PEETA! I'M PEETA IN THE HUNGER GAMES!" he shouts again, then grabs me and whirls me around. I squeal. He plants a long kiss onto my lips.

"Congratulations Josh! I'm so happy for you!" I congratulate him.

He thanks me and we cuddle for a few minutes. I can't hold it in.

"So how long are you going to be gone for?" I ask the question I've been dreading. Josh sighs.

"About four months.." he says softly. Four months. Thats a third of the year!

"When are you leaving?" I manage to choke out.

"I.. Next week ," he replies. I feel like he just stabbed me, but I manage to keep my sobs inside. He might as well say; "I'm filming in a movie and going to find some other prettier, nicer girl and probably coming back at the end of the year!" I shudder, and I don't notice Josh's gaze on me. He lifts my chin up.

"You okay Gen?" he asks gently. I look up and nod slowly.

"Yeah.. I'll just miss you.." I say truthfully. Josh leans down and kisses me again.

"I'll miss you heaps too," He grabs my waist and I snuggle into his chest. I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Better get packing then," I suggest. Josh rolls his eyes.

"It's like you want me to go," he snaps, laughing.

"No, I just don't want you to miss a chance like this," I retort. Josh smirks and pulls me with him.

"Well then, if you're so eager to get me packing, you're helping me," I try to squirm free, but Josh keeps a firm grip on my hand.


"Well thats it, bye," I try to stand up, but Josh pounces on me and pins me down to the ground.

"Joshua!" I shriek. Josh leans down and kisses me gently. I soften. I'll miss that feeling. And I won't feel it for another four months. I keep my tears in, but sadness obviously creeps onto my face.

"Don't frown," Josh gets off me and holds my shoulders. I break contact with him and stare into my lap.

"I'll miss you so much," I whisper, almost inaudible.

"I'll miss you more," He hugs me tightly.

"I'll miss you mostest," I answer, snuggling into his warm chest.

"I'll miss you more than mostest," I giggle and he kisses my forehead.

"Time for sleep," Josh states and picks me up, then plonks me onto his bed.

"I have a bed you know," I say slowly. Josh gives me a look.

"Fine then, you don't want to spend my last nights here for four months with me? Okay then," he starts to walk out of the room.

"OKAY OKAY! Come back!" I scream after him. Josh turns around, grinning, then snuggles in with me.

"Nighty night babe," he whispers into my ear, which makes me shiver.

"Good night," I reply.

All I remember after that was Josh murmuring "I love you,".

HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHIHEBUCIHCIN I did it. LOL. I didn't take as long as last time! Thanks so much for hanging in there, I'll TRY and get chapter 13 up asap. (: x Enjoy! Please, feedback is always welcome! Dee x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now