Confused - Chapter 6

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As soon as we walk into Jakob's house, laughter and screams and squeals fills my ears.I clutch Josh's arm tightly as we walk into a room with a pool table and minibar. No surprise that Jakob has a minibar.

"JOOOOSHHHHHHHHHH!" the same shouts that I heard this morning at the beach swells in my ears. This is what I was dreading. I look up at Josh and see a huge grin appear on his face. He looks down and sees me looking at him.

"Don't worry, I'm not leaving you," he whispers. He grabs my hand and we walk over to Jakob.

"Hey Jake!" he calls, still holding onto me.

"Hey Joshy, hey Genny," Jakob slurs his words. I wince a little. Drunk.

"How much did you drink?" Josh laughs a bit sternly.

"Who are you, my mum?" Jakob growls.

"Where's Addie?" Josh changes the subject quickly.

"She's coming," Jakob says slowly. I can smell the alcohol in his breath. I wrinkle my nose.

I don't drink. Never have. Even when I came of age. My dad was an alcoholic. Always has been ever since I was five. He knew it was bad for him, but he drank anyway. Then he passed away when I was fourteen. I've never gotten over it. Still haven't. I have to act so happy around everyone, but on the inside, I'm burning. I don't know why, but when I'm with Josh, all my troubles seem to fly away, then he leaves and I'm on my own. Again.

"Gen? Are you alright?" Josh whispers. Tears prick my eyes but I blink them away quickly.

"Yeah I'm fine," Josh looks at me, uncertain.

"If you wanna go home, then we can go," he says, looking at me with worry.

"No, no, I'm fine," I reassure him. Josh nods, still looking worried.

"Gen?" a familiar voice yells out. I turn around and see Addie standing there, grinning from ear to ear.

"You can go with Jake, I'll be will Addie. Don't drink too much!" I call, knowing that Josh is probably going to drink. Josh nods and encircles me in a hug then walks off. Addie walks over.

"Hey Addie!" I smile, hugging her. We wander off to the lounge room and sit on the black leather couch.


"And then my mum decided to...." Addie trails off. She was telling me about her family and what career her mum was pushing her into doing.

"Addie? Are you ok?" I ask, staring at her shocked face. Then she frowns.

"This isn't good. We have to find Josh," she says, almost in a whisper. Addie grabs my arm and drags me back into the minibar room. I trudge along, confused. Everyone is grabbing me and leading the way. It feels like high school all over again; Grace leading the way, me behind, blending into the walls.

"Josh! Jake!" Addie shouts. Josh and Jakob turn around, Jakob holding a bottle of whisky. Josh doesn't seem to be drinking. Josh's smile fades as he sees Addie's frown.

"Addie what's wrong?" he asks, putting an arm around me.

"She's here," Addie whispers. Josh frowns.

"Who?" he asks again.

"Charlotte. She's here,"

I feel Josh's hand drop off my shoulder. He stalks over to Jake.

"Jake you invited Charlotte?!" he yells quietly. Jakob looks up and takes another swig from his bottle.

"No.." he puts his bottle down, "Why is she here?" a hint of anger rushes through his voice. I shudder, not knowing what's happening.

"Addie? Who's Charlotte?" I rely on Addie to give me answers.

"Josh didn't tell you?" she mumbles. I shake my head.

"Well, it's better coming from him, I'm sorry," she apologises. I'm walk over to Josh when I hear it.

"Joshy babe!" a voice squeals. I'm stunned. I spin around. A blonde figure stands in the doorway, wearing a tight, black minidress, cut at her high thigh. I stare in astonishment. This has to be Josh's dream-girl. She's like another version of Grace, but covered in black eyeliner and mascara. She flaps her lashes and walks over to Josh.

"Baby! I haven't seen you in ages!" she purrs. I glance at Josh, who is clenching his jaw and swallowing slowly.

"Hi Charlotte," he says, sounding a bit annoyed. He would never use that tone of voice with his girlfriend. Or someone he likes. I bite my lip and try to blend into the pool table. She walks up to Josh in her ultra high heels and circles him.

"What are you doing here Charlotte?" he says through gritted teeth. She smirks with her red lips.

"I just thought maybe you'd want to see me," she giggles, holding Josh's waist. He wriggles away.

"What's wrong with my little baby?"

I watch the scene of Josh and 'Charlotte', my mouth turning dry. Why is he being so mean?

"Charlotte what do you want?" Josh is clearly losing his temper.

"I just--" Charlotte starts, but then her voice trails off as she sees me standing next to Josh.

"Who's this?" she sounds disgusted.

"Genevieve," he says slowly. I bite my lip as she scans me.

"Well, I'll leave then. I just wanted to say hi to my baby Josh," she says 'my' loudly. I wince. She gives Josh a finger wave, and then shoulder scans me, still looking disgusted.

I hear Addie sigh in relief when we hear the front door slam.

"Who's Charlotte?" I turn to Josh for answers. He clenches his jaw again.

"Josh?" I whisper.

"That's his ex," Jakob pipes in. I manage to keep my mouth together. Josh looks at me, defeated.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I say softly. Josh looks down and shuffles his feet. Josh usually always tells me about this stuff. I feel so distant from him, it's like I don't know him anymore. What are all these secrets?

"I'm sorry," he murmurs.

"No! Don't be. I'm just asking. Is she the girl?" I ask pulling him into a hug, smiling, but on the inside, I'm crying. What are these feelings?

"No! No, she isn't," he answers, hugging me back.

"What happened?" I say in a small voice. He releases me and looks into my eyes.

"Can I tell you later?" he whispers in my ear, and I nod.



"Gen? Where are you? We're leaving!" Josh calls. I stay seated on the couch, clutching my knees to my chest. I have some sort of churning in my stomach. My head aches and my body feels like jelly. I blink a couple of times, slowly removing the thoughts in my head. Dad, Josh, Charlotte, Grace, Mum and Stef. Josh walks in, his face flushed from searching for me.

"Gen? Are you alright?" he asks. No I'm not, can't you see? I'm screaming inside my head. Josh's eyes are filled with worry. I stand up uneasily. My legs wobble and I force a smile onto my face.

We walk towards the door, but something flashes in my eyes. Charlotte's scowl and dad's pale face. My eyes blur and my body gives in. I collapse onto the floor, my head smashing against the ground. The last thing I hear is Josh screaming my name.

Hey guys! Last chapter for the week! I've written five chapters in one week, and I honestly need to work. I'll get the next chapter up next week as soon as possible, so hang in there! Enjoy!

Dee, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now