Confused - Chapter 16

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"Oh my gosh you're back!" I hug him, so tightly, making sure he wouldn't vanish again.

"How was filming? Have you moved on from me?" I tease him as he leans down and kisses me. Oh. Those lips. Something I've been waiting for, for four months, two weeks and three days. Yes I have been counting..

"I could never ditch you beautiful," he whispers. I hear Addie giggle. We pull away. I totally forgot about them.

"Why is it that I'm always lonely?" Avan groans. I laugh.

"Cos who the hell would want to date you?" I tease. Avan pulls on an offended face.

"Oh!" he crosses his arms and I make my way towards him and I give him a hug.

"You planned this right? Josh coming here and all? I heard you on the phone," I whisper into his ear. Josh shoots me a look.

"What are you telling him?" he asks suspiciously. I giggle.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, she's only filling my head with dirty thoughts," Avan shouts out to Josh. I giggle.

"And yes Gen, I knew. Whatcha gonna do about it?" he sticks his tongue out at me. I walk back into Josh's arms.

"Oh, you'll find out," I smirk and peck Josh's lips.

He looks at me expectantly.

"What did you say to him?" I put my finger to his lips.

"Not important babe," I remove my hand and walk towards the car, pulling Josh with me.

"I'm hungry. And tired. Can we go home?"

"Baby, do you really think I'd come back with no plans? Come on, you're coming with me," Josh drags me towards his bike, which to my surprise, I didn't hear.


"Whoah.." I exhale loudly as we get off his bike. I stare up at the Chinese Restaurant, huge red pillars surrounding it. I feel Josh's fingers entwine with mine and we walk towards the huge, red, brass doors.

"Oh god, I am so underdressed," I look at my nike shorts and white t-shirt.

"Baby, you look pretty everyday," Josh kisses my temple.

"Ugh, yeah right," We push the doors open and a strong smell of asian food fills my nose.

"How did you know I like Chinese food?" I ask absentmindedly. Josh drops my hand and gives me a weird look.

"What?" I ask.

"Gen. I obviously know your favourite food is Chinese, I'm your best friend. And boyfriend," Josh remarks proudly, puffing out his chest. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah. Now can we get some food?! I'm starving!" I pout, rubbing my stomach.

"Oh are you hungry tummy? Don't worry we'll get some food in there real soon," I baby talk. Josh steps away from me.

"I don't know you," he smirks. I stick my bottom lip out.

"But you love me," I state.

"Maybe, maybe not," he answers. I pretend to be shot, clutching my heart and turn to walk out of the restaurant.

"Oh, ok. Well see you tomorrow, well, maybe, maybe not," I mimic him and walk towards the door dramatically. I feel a firm grip clasp my arm and spin me around. I smirk as Josh leans in and kisses me. I pull away after a while.

"Some people want to keep their food down babe," I clap my hands and rub them together.

"Speaking of food, I'm hungry," I drag Josh over to the counter and force him to get a table.


"I'm stuffed," Josh leans back and pats his stomach. I roll my eyes and poke my food.

"Because you ate meat," I state popping some tofu in my mouth. Josh cringes.

"Not my fault you're a vegetarian. How do you keep that stuff down?" Josh sticks his tongue out in disgust.

"Cause meat is murder. Imagine all those animals you kill!" I snap.

"Well.. tofu is made of.. pigs intestines!" Josh cracks up as I push my plate away.

"Eugh! Josh! You know how easily I get put off my food!" I scowl, holding my mouth. Josh smirks.

"I'm sorry baby," he gives me his puppy dogs eyes.

"Well, since your sorry, let's go pay for this and leave, Michelle will be so happy your home," I push out my chair and wait for Josh to do the same. But he stays seated staring up at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask, panicking. Josh lets out a small laugh.

"No, and if you did, I wouldn't tell you anyway," I glare at him and he continues, "Baby, sit down for a bit longer, I need to give you something,"

"What is it?" I ask sitting back down, looking at him expectantly.

"Close your eyes," he instructs, and I do so obediently.

"Are you going to leave me here?" Silence. "Josh? Don't tell me I'm talking to myself.. Josh? Oh god, people are probably staring. Okay Josh, if your there or not there, I'm opening my eyes," But before I can protest again, a feel something cold, probably metal, encircle my neck bone.

"Open your eyes," I hear Josh murmur into my ear. I open them and look down.

"Oh my god!" I stare at the silver heart locket. "This must of costed heaps!" I gasp. Josh smiles.

"Who cares what it cost?" he shrugs, "It only matters who you give it to," I stare up at him admiringly.

"How are you so goddamned perfect?" I manage to choke out. Josh laughs.

"So I take it you like it?" he questions.

"Are you kidding?! I love it!" I breathe standing up and kissing him forcefully.

"Then open it," he whispers into my hair. I pull back and open the locket. On one side, there's a photo of mum and Stefani, hugging and grinning. The other side is blank. I look at Josh.

"Where's your photo?" I ask, smirking. Josh gives me a look.

"I thought you wouldn't care," he blushes.

"Then why would you leave a blank space?" I kiss him on the cheek. "I'll get a photo when we get back," I wink. Josh pulls out a miniature photo of him with a moustache. I giggle.

"I came prepared," he grins and I laugh.

"Thanks babe," I whisper as I secure the photo into the locket. He smiles at me and blushes.

"Anything for you," he says, and I peck his lips.

"I love you Genevieve,"

I'm truly, really, sooooo sorry for the huge delay! Okay here's my heartbreaking story: first, I didnt save it, and I started again. I completed it, but then I lost all the chapters, which I was able to retrieve chapters 1-15, from my blog, but then again, I lost this chapter. This is a bit of a crappy version of chapter 16, but hey, its better than nothing. Anyway, I wrote : 'For, for four' LOLLL! Hehehe and yes, I'm a vegetarian, :D. So next chapter will be up ASAP. <3 thanks for all the feedback, (and screams for chapter 16), but I still love you all! Thanks again.

Dee, x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now