Confused - Chapter 21

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Josh stumbles off the stage and grins happily at me. I shake my head and hug him tightly.

 “That was one of the sweetest, and stupidest things anyone has ever done for me,” I kiss his nose, and he blushes.

 “Well it’s your go now,” he releases his grip on me. I look at him, eyes wide.

 “You thought I forgot right?” I giggle sheepishly and nod, “Just because I’m a teeny weeny bit drunk,” I roll my eyes at the ‘teeny weeny’ part.

 “Doesn’t mean I forget everything,” he pushes me towards the stage.

 “Go sing now Murphy. Go make the crowd go wow,” I grab his arm terrified.

 “I am NOT going up there, Hutcherson, not until I see flying pigs!” I growl reluctantly, breaking the promise I made earlier. Josh rolls his eyes and then points behind me.

 “Oh look it’s a flying pig!” I mock spinning around, “Oh no, you missed it. But it was there!” Josh lies. I cross my arms.

 “For an actor, you suck really bad at lying,” I laugh. Josh shakes his head.

 “Yeah to you,” he winks and pushes me one last time until I’m up on stage.


 I hear some guys wolf-whistle and I see Josh glare at them in the crowd.

 “GO GENNY!” Josh calls out. I blush furiously. Oh, how I am going to KILL JOSH. I gulp and look around at the staring faces. I swallow harshly and push myself to speak.

 “H-hi.. I’m G-Gen.. and um, uh, well, I’m going to um, sing.. um, ‘Lego.. House’ by uh, Ed Sheeran,” I manage to stutter, Josh gives me a thumbs up and I give him a slight glare.

 I swallow deeply again, my heart in my throat, but I force myself to sing.

I’m gonna pick up the pieces,

and build a lego house

if things go wrong we can knock it down

 I pause at the small music break. I glance down at Josh and he gestures for me to continue.

Two words have three meanings,

there’s one thing on my mind

It’s all for you

And it’s dark in a cold December,

but I’ve got you to keep me warm

and if you’re broken I will mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm that’s raging on now

I’m out of touch, I’m out of love

I’ll pick you up when you’re getting down

and out of all these things I’ve done

I think I love you better now

 I’m not as shy and embarrassed now. People are beginning to sway their hands, and some quite drunk girls are singing — make that shrieking along.

I’m gonna paint you by numbers

and colour you in

if things go right we can frame it, and put you on a wall

And it’s so hard to say it but I’ve been here before

and I will surrender up my heart

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now