Confused - Chapter 27

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"That's not possible Josh, uh uh, no way!" I say again as he parks the car at the apartment. We get out of the car but he nods.

"It's true! I swear!" He presses the button to go up the lift. The door opens and we get in.

"How old were you when you liked me?" Josh asks me curiously.

"5.. I guess.." Josh snorts, "Hey! I had a crush, but I was young, so I guess I crushed on all these random boys," I mumble. Josh smirks.

"And what about you?" I sing song, "Even though I still don't believe that you liked me," I add. Josh rolls his eyes.

"You beat me, but by just a year, I liked you when we started school. But that, like you said, was a 'crush'. I started to actually like like you when we were fifteen," Josh confesses. My mouth falls open slightly.

"You were dating Lanchen," I croak. Josh nods and shrugs.

"Who cares? I don't even know why I dated her, we were better just as friends. I didn't really like her that much anyway," I slap Josh's arm. 

"You player!" I joke as the lift door opens.


Josh leans back into his chair and moans.

"I forgot that you could cook," He murmurs. I roll my eyes as I take a bite of my sandwich. 

"That was nice, thanks Genny," He winks and I smile.

"Okay, truth or dare?" He asks me.

"Before the interview, you acted like we were fifty, now you're acting like a five year old," I cross my arms and push the remains of my sandwich away from me. Josh gives me the 'answer the question or I'll ruin your life' look and I roll my eyes.

"Truth," I answer. He clears his throat.

"Are you still a virgin?" he asks. I almost choke. I stare at Josh in horror.

"No way am I answering that! Dare!" I shout.

"I dare you to answer the question," he smirks. My eyes widen.

"Fine. No I'm not still a virgin," I finally say. Josh's jaw drops.

"What. KEEP TALKING," he presses on. 

"Nuh uh, you asked me a yes or no question, you didn't say evaluate," I stick my tongue out at him.

"Come on, you tell me yours I'll tell you mine," he pledges. I shake my head.

"I already know, it was with Lanchen when you were fifteen," I reply, a bit of hurt in my voice. That was the age when I liked him. And to make matters worse, it was with Lanchen.

"How do you know?!" He asks incredulously. I shrug.

"Michelle told me,"

"My mum?! Oh my god, how embarrassing," He covers his face with his hands.

"Why don't we continue, truth or dare?" I ask him.

"Truth," Josh answers.

"Hm.. did Lanchen ever.. say anything about me? When you were dating or before that?" I ask slowly, wanting to know answers.

"I.. I don't, she sometimes said things like.. nevermind," he finally says. I frown.

"Josh," I say sternly.

"She.. called you.. names sometimes, and I did ask her why she had it in for you, and she just said that she was joking," I watch Josh intently.

"She.. is a nice person Gen, but she just.. goes a bit over sometimes," Josh smiles sadly at me. I nod slowly.

"Okay Gen, truth or dare?" Josh asks finally after a long pause. 

"Um, truth," 

"Who was your first?" Josh asks. I glare at him.

"This game sucks," I pout, and Josh gives me a look.

"Fine. With my first boyfriend, year 10," I finally confess. 


"My first boyfriend," I repeat.

"Gen!" I smirk. 

"I'm tired, I'm going to sleep," I start to walk to the bedroom, but I stop, "Isn't the premiere for Hunger Games tomorrow?" I ask Josh. His eyes widen.

"Shit!" I forgot! Ugh! Give me a sec, I need to call Melissa," Josh yanks out his phone. I sigh. Josh is going to be so busy, just like when he got to act in his first movie. Hopefully we won't grow apart. Like last time.

Nothing to say (: Sorry poopies. 

Dee x

Confused - A Josh Hutcherson Fanfiction (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now