I: Patches O'Leary

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Harsh winds and waves slammed against a dark black ship as it sailed through the violent rains. On board a hammock smashed regularly against a wooden wall. It was almost as though the sea was demanding its occupant to wake up. To rise, as it was, to the new day, and the new adventures that awaited him.

However it could have no idea the level of stubborn this particular occupant could be when he chose to be, as no matter how rocky things had gotten, he remained seemingly relaxed, eye closed. At least until a particularly strong wave slammed into the ship with enough force to send the lad flying onto the floor, halfway across the communal sleeping quarters.

"Alright ye blasted storm! Ye be bloody winnin'!" The figure said with mock anger as he stood up, brushing himself off. Apparently he had been awake longer than he had wanted to be.

The only reply he got was a chuckle from another crew member, who had already given up their attempt to sleep, and was preparing to head up on deck. "The sea be stubborn like a lassie, if she wants something- she'll be getting it." His rather bluish green crewmate teasingly warned.

The recently tossed young man looked around 19 summers as he stood and dusted off his pants. Long blue hair trailedin a wavey mess down to his shoulders. His face was almost blemish free and he wore an eyepatch over his right eye, and his left being a bright spring green. A mischievous smile spread across his face, between a thin mustache and a small patch of a beard covering his chin. He laughed in reply before quickly getting himself ready. No point in stalling now that he was well and truely awake now.

It was then with a joyous gait the half elf walked up onto deck. The harsh winds, rain and waves did little to impede the athletic looking lad as he walked on the wet surface of the ship, aside from making his clothes soaked, and cling to his form. It twas nothing he wasn't used to.

"Mornin' Cap'n! This be bein some fine weather we be havin." He teased with a smirk as he approached the wheel. A somber greeting of mumbled words and drunken grumblings were all that greeted the one eyed teen from the rest of the crew as his captain handed off the wheel to the one eyed lad.

"Best if ye take th' wheel Patches. It be yer last journey with us aft all." The Captain said with a commanding tone. Captain Axel was always good to the lad- raised him since he was a tot, when he was abandoned on his ship all those years ago...

Patches took the wheel without hesitation, but a shrinking smile. It was true, after all he had finally proven himself strong enough to be considered a level 5 adventurer after raiding that sea dungeon a few days ago. That meant it was time for him to go off into the greater world and decide for himself what he would become.

The captain gave this opportunity-er, well, forced...each crew member to do the same. If after a year, you found the crew again, and wanted to join back up, you'd be welcomed back with open arms. Not only missed, but also now stronger, and a welcomed addition back. T'was a somber day for most of the crew when they saw a member off, not sure if or how they would cross paths again. A year could change a lot- and not everyone remained friend or ally to the crew after being forced to leave.

"Ay Ay Cap'n, I be seein' it done." Patches replied with a quick nod as he piloted the ship towards the nearby cove. The rocky cost and harsh waters made few dare to sail in this area let alone moore a ship, but Patches had been sailing these waters since he was a child and knew them well. The cove was the closest Patches could bring his ship to the nearby port city, The Rosefort. It was one of the biggest cities in the known lands and a good place to start his journey.

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