XXV: Abigale Spring Ryder-Merlot

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Abigale started off so focused on finding her sister - that she was completely oblivious to anyone else she happened to pass by, familiar faces or otherwise. If they weren’t her sister, the drow - or one of their animals - Abigale was unconcerned with them. Unfortunately, for Abigale, by the time she spotted them for even half a second, through the door that led to the mess hall, someone else had spotted her. Someone who was concerned with her.

“Ah - M’lady Abigale! There you are! I did not see you at the tourney! I was almost worried that you missed the boat!” A confident voice called out to her, sounding almost relieved.

Abigale froze for a moment, her nose crinkling as she physically cringed. Luckily - she wasn’t facing the owner of the voice as she reacted. Theo Onze Huyos Cabernet her…4th? at least? cousin she believed and also a highly unwanted suitor. Admittedly her only suitor. So she took a deep breath, calmed her features, and gave her fakest smile as she turned. “-Heir Cabernet-”

“Please-” the confident male interrupted “I’ve told you before, call me Onze, there is no need for you to be so formal with me.”

The corner of her mouth twitched in response. “And I’m sure you’ll have to tell me again.” The pitch of her voice a bit lower than normal, and, taunting. Small cues to her distaste for him that went right over his head. Subtly…and sarcasm - they always went over his head.

“Think nothing of it. I’m sure such things are easy to forget after all. Especially when when one must learn such…unnecessary things to get acceptable grades.” Abigale knew he thought women had no place in a school. Onze’s father always made his opinion about that very well known, and Onze’s nose was particularly brown when it came to his father. Twas probably what made him so very unattractive to her.

Abigale’s cheeks were almost sore with how hard it was to continue faking a smile. She wasn't the best actress yet - most adults could see right through her acts. But she was usually good enough to fool her peers. Especially when it came to people like Onze - who believed exactly, what they wanted to believe, no matter what she did. She loved using that against people - though she hated the perception of her it gave them for it.

“Ah-" she lightly knocked by her temple with palm of her own hand. “You know me, soooo forgetful~. I’d lose my own head if it wasn't attached, to…uh…” she gulped, side stepping, away from the door she had previously been heading for, hoping to take his attention with her. Last thing she needed was for him to see who her sister was with. She gave a shrug, sweeping her long vibrant red hair over her shoulder.

It was a unique hair color - rare in their world, and often believed to be unnatural - yet she had inherited it from her father, though the version he sported was now dull and greyed, those who knew her family did not question it's source. But that didn't change the fact that the bizarre color was still very eye catching, and distracting. Hope only got you just so far - and Abigale was smarter than just running on hope alone.

It was an effective move, the flow of ruby keeping the young paladin’s gaze. He even almost seemed flustered for a moment before clearing his throat. “Nothing to be ashamed of. Looks are all that really matter after all.” He said with a grin, “And you have more than plenty of those.”

The only thing that kept either of her eyes from twitching, was the fact that she had opted to close them for moment, as she tried to collect herself with a deep breath. Sometimes…Onze really tested her patience, and made it impossible for her to keep up an act. This was one of those moments, as she could not continue faking a smile.

Her first clenched, as she silently debated giving the heir a long overdue punch in the face. It wasn't entirely his fault after all, it was how things just were for someone of her species, rank, and gender. But it didn't make her hate it any less, nor want to rebel any less. She wondered how embarrassing it would be for him to explain one of his front teeth being knocked out by someone like her...when she was abruptly distracted from her thoughts.

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