XIII: Olivia Frost Ryder-Merlot

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Olivia was always one to be an early bird. She tended to follow the rules and do her best to do the right and proper thing, even if it did sometimes get confusing for her. However there was nothing confusing about getting someplace early.

Her silver eyes peered over the head of a small owlbear cub that she held in her arms, looking at the small crowd of people waiting for the boat to arrive from a distance. Most, if not all of her peers were dressed identical to her, all in neat uniforms. Well - most were neat, including hers was as of this morning…however loose strands of fur, and a feather or two now stuck to the fabrics that labeled her as a new student. One was even stuck in her long braided back hair, that swayed behind her almost like a tail. She had been up before the sun to get ready, but taking care of and saying goodbye to all of her pets but it had taken longer than expected. Especially bathing Cornelius here.

Though her body language mostly read as shy, nervous or even scared - she felt a lot more than that. So, trying to be brave, she hesitantly stepped towards the group in the early morning light. She knew she had not promised to be early, and she knew better than to expect her dearest friend to show up so early on such a bright morning, but still, she was hopeful to spot a particular familiar face.

Her eyes went wide though, when the auburn hair girl and her black haired companion with his arm around her seemed to be walking in the general direction of her and her pet. They were very familiar faces to her - and not the ones she had hoped to see…at all, really.

“Oh - Olivia…it’s so good of you to join us…” As polite as the words were, disgust seemed to drip from the girl’s voice, as her eyes judgmentally looked Livi over, resting on the Owlbear cub, “Are they actually allowing you to bring that…unwashed thing with you?”  she fluttered her eyelashes coyly.

“I-um…well - I’m going to be, studying to, uh…be a-a - ranger…so, um…I thought that--” Livi meekly tried to explain before being cut off.

“The question was for the cub, not you Olivia. Next time - take a bath before you make us nobles look like commoners.”

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