XX: Revan Zinfandel

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    Catacombs turned into sewers and before long the very docks themselves. Salt water made a nice improvement to the smells the boy had been smelling for the past three hours of his travels. The boy quickly hides in his hood as he steps into the bright midday sunlight. Sunlight was another thing on his list of destruction - maybe. His mistress lived in a world without this infernal sun so the rest of creation could as well. Depending on if he could get a certain someone to agree.

    ‘Master, what took so long?’ A laughing voice echoed in the boys head as a raven swooped down from the sky to land on the boy's shoulder. A small mouse quickly climbs down from the bird to stretch out on Revan’s other shoulder. The raven was Charles Fancybottom III Esquire, a gift from his mistress, and Algernon an awaked mouse he found when he first moved out of the underdark.

    “Not all of us can fly, some of us need to walk through the shit covered maze this city calls a septic system.” The drow boy says with a sigh as he climbed up out of the sewer exit. The port was just as he remembered it. Too loud and too crowded, with too little shade, and smelling too much like fish he couldn’t have.

    ‘You need to relax and live a little. The guards were far too drunk to follow you before.’ The bird said with a chuckle in the boys mind. “Stupid bird, stupid people.” Revan grumbled as he made his way to the Unseen School ship. If he was lucky the drow would dream tonight of burning this whole city to the ground again. He did so like that dream. Firelight was so much better than the sun’s.

    A loud horn sounded throughout the port signaling the arrival of the ferry. Right on time. The dark child thought as he made his way to the loading area. The ship would only stay in dock for a half hour so he knew he best be on quickly.

    ‘Find Livi.’ The drow thought to his bird. The raven nodding and taking to the side not a moment after the order. Revan’s soon finds himself looking down on the crowd of mostly humans as he looked through Charles eyes. It was a lot less disorienting when he knew he was going to look through his familiar’s eyes.

    ‘There.’ They both thought almost in unison. Before both drow and bird make their way to the girl.

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