VI: Heir Theo Onze Huyos Cabernet

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The sun had begun to set on the lower Rosefort, and the aristocratic half of the city known as Fort Rosario. Since the storm from earlier was headed out to sea, the gave the sun one last opportunity to shine it's now golden orange rays - where the mountains themselves did not block the light, leaving parts of the area bathed in gold, and others cloaked in darkness.

In one of the sunbathed areas just past the gates that seperated the nobility and most wealthy from...the more common folk, a pair was returning home after a bout of training. The shorter, but more muscular of the pair was wiping some sweat from his forehead with an embroidered handkerchief. The taller, but much thinner of the boys, stood tall, trying to not show how much had been really taken out of him, or how warm he was in his layered robes. "I trust my lord will be getting plenty of rest before tomorrow's tournament?"

The two shared an interesting relationship. They were friends to be sure, but the taller also served as an advisor to muscular noble, as was the same for their fathers.

"Ha-! If I can get any! How should I handle my victory? A pose, a dance? A humble bow? What do you think will be best, Rynn?" The boy had a bit of a skip in his step, his excitement obvious, and brilliant as the light shining off his golden hair. "Oh, shall I blow a kiss to my future fiance?" He added, with a confident and radiant smile.

Both a noble of one of the royal houses, and a young paladin, he was in many ways a shining example of many things considered good by the people he was often surrounded by. Looks wise, he was attractive. He had his other's golden hair and his father's piercing blue eyes. He was lightly tanned and starting to become muscular - from training out in the sun. He was confident and brave, and seemed to always try and do right by his father. Most people adored him, or at least acted like it, after all, Theo Onze Huyos-Cabernet had high odds of being the next to ascend the throne - if his plans played out accordingly

"Onze...are you even sure she'll be there?" Rynn asked, dryly, sounding exhausted, before getting mildly distracted by a goose, honking as it flew by above them.

"But of course - any one who is anyone will be there! And who would not want to celebrate my triumph?" the noble posed, flexing his muscles with a grin.

Rynn rolled his eyes with a sigh. "I have a strong feeling that--"

"Ah, Lady Abigale~!" The young paladin interrupted, waving, and briskly walking away quite suddenly from his future advisor.

Rynn fell quiet, and stayed back, deciding to watch the show. Looking over he could see that Abigale was being dragged home, quite literally. A pair of guards held her up by each of her arms, while she was doing her damndest to be deadweight, and even drag her feet when they didn't hold her up high enough. He noticed her mumbling something low enough that likely only the guards could hear - she almost seemed to be pleading. This only made Rynn smirk, already enjoying the show.

The guards did not seem to give Abigale whatever she had pleaded for, and after a moment of closing her eyes, beared a grin. "Heir Cabernet-"

"Onze is fine Abigale, there is no need to be so formal with me."

She took a deep breath, before replying, "Right..." she glanced at each guard in turn, they had stopped to allow her to talk with the noble- but not put her down, poor thing must have been uncomfortable. "If you'll excuse me, I was just heading home.." she informed him with a small squirm, vindicating his pity.

"Then I shall gladly accompany you~!" Theo decidedly announced, taking her hand as well as he could despite how she was being held and kissing the back of it.

"Please spare me..." she muttered under her breath, before forcing a smile, "This is, too humiliating after all. I am at quite the disadvantage..." She added, in a perkier, though embarrassed tone. He found it cute that she thought this would make him think any less of her.

"Nonsense M'Lady, besides, I have things I wish to discuss with you." he gestured, singling to the guards that they may start walking again - but he would be accompanying them.

Rynn, stayed a good distance behind them, even if he wasn't enjoying the events playing out, he need to for most of the way head the same direction as them.

"Discuss...?" Abigale batted her eyelashes - a flirtation gesture which Onze loved seeing from her. She never did give anyone else that look after all.

"Yes! I was wondering if I should count on any favors from you before the tournament begins? In case we have to register any equipment on us, I wanted to be prepared."

"...Please correct me if I'm mistaken but - isn't the tournament for anyone not already enrolled at Unseen? I'm certain your father can more than pay the normal tuition fee...?" Abigale was truly, and genuinely confused in her question.

"Silly Abigale, anyone can enter the tournament - and it's a good way to keep inhuman curr out of the school, by winning any spots that they may otherwise try to claim. Tis why Myself, Rynn, Victor and Max will all be entering-!"

Rynn cleared his throat behind them, "You forgot someone, sir."

"Oh-! And Olma-! Of course. She an amazing fighter for a girl, she might knock a few people out before the finals."

"...You don't say..." the red head replied, gazing off at the castle as they approached it. "You sound rather certain in how this will all turn out."

Theo nodded, and grinned, "It's almost all planned out. Unless we all end up in the same preliminary round, which I am certain we can arrange to avoid - things should turn out perfectly, as long as I have enough smites to go around."

"Perhaps I should enter..." she mused, thoughtful in her expression.

"Now, now Abigale, while I would love for the chance to get up close and personal with you- the battleground is no place for a lady such as yourself, even if it is for such a good cause." He glanced over to her, and furrowed his brows, "Are you alright dear Abigale? You suddenly seem very... pale..."

"I suddenly feel very ill...."

To this the guards took their cue. "I am sorry Heir Cabernet, but we really must hurry to get her inside, we can't have her getting sick when the boat leaves tomorrow."

"Of course, make sure she's healthy by morning, I'll see you in the crowd M'lady." he took her hand one more time, kissing it again before they parted ways for the evening.

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