XXIV: Revan Zinfandel

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    Revan always found it nice to get out of the sun. Granted seeing Livi’s sister distracted by…some equally bright haired bard, made a perfect opportunity to escape her hovering. The mess hall of the ship was empty this early into the voyage despite the snacks on the tables. It was a quiet place and with candle light, it was far nicer on his drow eyes then the garish light of day. Here in a dark corner Livi and he sat, both silently hoping no one else would come and bother them.

    As per usual, the two had grown more comfortable around each other after spending some time together - especially when they were away from prying eyes.

    While not hungry herself, Livi had gotten a few snacks, and was offering them to the pair’s assorted animals. Algernon happy to grab bits of anything he could get his tiny little hands on. Charles sat on to the side digging into something bloody. Revan assumed it was a fish of some kind but he didn't really care much.

    “Much appreciated young miss.” Algernon said quietly. The small mouse didn’t usually talk, Livi being the only one outside of Revan he ever spoke to.

    A bright and sweet smile spread across her features, as he thanked her, she gave a small nod, “You are very welcome.” she softly replied, before glancing over at Revan, “um…are you hungry at all, Revy…?” her already soft voice getting even quieter as she asked.

    “I’m good Livi.” The drow boy says as quietly as he sits near silently beside her.

Olivia gave a small nod, before resting her hands neatly in her lap. This curled her shoulders forward a bit, as she looked down at her own hands. It was a pose often reserved for when she was shy…or nervous. It was unusual for her to sit like this when it was just the two of them, unless something was bothering her.

Unsure if he should ask, he decided instead, as they sat quietly Revan to pull out an old book. It was filled with insect scars and rebound as best he could, but still legible. It wasn’t as nice as the one they used for letter by far - old and ill taken care of, long before Revan had gotten a hold of it.

“Do...do you want to...um...read with me?” Revan asked softly, a small uncertain smile on his lips.

     “I - I’d like that alot…” Her own gentle smile returned to her features with the question, as she nodded, then tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. The offer seemed to relax her a bit, good. Revan smiles lightly at her and moves slightly closer, the tome resting between the two.

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