XXIX: Heir Abaddon Syrah

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“For how much those two love reading - you'd think they’d be able to read each other at least a little~” Abbadon commented, more than a little amused.  He rolled his neck for moment, stretching before standing.

The elder Ryder girl arched a brow. “You don’t have to follow them. They're probably good at this point - I'm sure anyone they want to avoid is either in their room or heading to the party, and goodness knows those two will be nowhere near that event.” Still, she found herself smirking amused by how awkward her adorable little sister was.

Abbadon waved the comment off, “They are far too amusing to miss any of this anyway, cousin. Besides - you forget the scholarship room is across from the tournament winners room.” He was already starting to tail the pair.

“So…?” Abigale seemed genuinely confused.

“Soooo - your favorite person won it~!” Abbadon called out to her with a wave before vanishing out of the mess hall. He couldn't hear Abigale curse under her breath at the information, but he chuckled to himself anyway, he couldn't imagine she’d be very happy with that news.

As he watched the little pair through the illusion he held up around them, he mused about Abigale and Theo. Most people liked Theo, found him charming, dashing, or at very least extremely handsome. Abaddon couldn't argue that the guy had gotten the best of each of his parent's features at very least. Yet fiery little Abigale seemed to be immune to his looks, and whatever charm other people seemed to see in him. If anything she seemed to despise him, and all he stood for.

All the while Theo was dense as a brick when it came to Abigale. Aside from any attraction to her looks - or perhaps her singing, he didn't seem to know the very first thing about her. Goddess knows that Abaddon lost track of how many times she nearly decked the male for some comment or another that he made- an attempt at flattery usually, that to her was a complete insult.

He always found watching the two interact to be highly amusing. Then again, people watching in general was highly amusing. Which brought his attention back to the pair he was following. He had made zero effort to conceal himself from them. If Livi noticed she’d likely assume he was chaperoning. If the little drow noticed him, maybe Abaddon would get to see him pout.

He liked that idea, and found himself whistling as the awkward couple reached the drow’s room. His presence did not help their tense situation, he could tell, but it only added to his own amusement.

Revan tried to shoot a glare out at the elf from under his hood, before his expression softened for Livi. “I - uh, guess that…I’ll um.” he gulped nervously, “uh - see you tomorrow…” he shifted, seeming to close himself off more in his cloak.

Olivia gave a small but quick nod, her cheeks still rosey in color. “I-I lookfowardtoit.” she barely managed to squeak out. The corner of her lips attempted a small smile, but it didn't last long in her embarrassment.

Revan seemed to pause, contemplating something. Whatever it was though, seemed interrupted by some giggling coming from the door just across the hall, before he nodded and quickly disappeared into his room.

Glancing back and forth, making sure the coast was truly clear, the illusionist dropped the magic that he had been projecting. “You two should really just kiss already, at least on the cheek or something,” he teased.

Olivia glared - not at him, in fact very much away from him, her whole head seeming to go bright red. “D-don’t-say things like that-!” she was clearly flustered, “and…please stop babysitting me…” Even when upset, she was still well behaved and well mannered.

Which left Abaddon laughing as the little noble stormed off. This was going to be a fun semester.

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