XXI: Olivia Frost Ryder-Merlot

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Livi, and Abigale had stayed on the top deck of the ship. Olivia had found a step to sit on, still holding the large cub to her. Her sister was hovering about her a bit - a little antsy for the most part - though the red head currently rested against a rail, gazing out at the waters.
“...you - don’t need to babysit me…” the younger sister softly murmured, a little embarrassed. She adored her elder sister…but she wanted Abigale to want to spend the time with her - not this…awkwardness. “I - know you don’t really like just sitting still…” The petite blond added, shifting awkwardly, as her pet let out a big yawn. “...and you - um,  probably missed the tournament watching me...

A raven lands on Livi’s shoulder just as the owlbear finished yawning. The small bird being careful not to tear the fabric. A small smile stretched across her face at the sight of the bird. A small laugh leaves her as it rubs her face affectionately.

“I wasn’t going to go anyway…” The elder Ryder glanced over, brow quirked as she was confused by the sudden change in her sister’s demeanor. It didn’t take her long to figure out what had caused the sudden change- which only caused one in her own mood. “Do mother and father know he got into the school too?” She cheekily asked. There wasn’t much that Livi didn’t tell her sister. Which only made this realization a bit…irksome for Abigale. She would have kept the secret for Livi - and it hurt a little that she hadn’t trust her with this.

“No.” A voice said from behind her. “Unseen promised secrecy about their first drow student. Didn’t want there newest trophy to get damaged before it arrived.” A quiet yet firm voice said as the drow in question walked up to the sisters. “Um...Hi Livi.” The drow boy seemed to instantly shrink when he went to talk to the the girl in question. His confidence he had but seconds ago gone when confronted with the tiny blond.

Abigale let out a sigh, rolling her eyes. “I’d worry if you two didn’t turn into frightened turtles around each other.” She shook her head, then straightening up from where she had been leaning, letting out her own yawn and stretching her arms high above her head. “I’m going to explore a bit - maybe see if Ras is still mad.” She started to walk away, but paused next to the drow, in a hushed, but not so soft tone she warned him, “If anything happens to her while I’m gone - your fault or not - you will suffer tenfold for it.” She gave a cheeky smile. She didn’t know how she felt about the drow boy - he tended to get this look in his eyes that made her uncomfortable, but unlike other noble families the Ryder girls had no problem with him being a drow. Abigale did worry though - that Livi would get hurt by association with him. She got bullied enough as it was.

The drow simply ignored her, his feet now suddenly a more inviting view. In fact they seemed more and more interesting the longer he spent near Livi. Far too embarrassed to look her in the face so soon after greeting her.

Algernon looked up at all the talking before returning to his sunbathing. Humanoids were weird and took too long with their mating games in his opinion.

Livi’s bright pink face was half hidden behind the owlbear, who seemed so disinterested that he was nodding off. “...........Hi Revy………” The blond sort of managed to squeak out. The comment alone enough to bring a smile to the drow's hidden face. “….I - um…. Am sorry about Abigale…………..”

“It’s...ah fine. Your sister...is...um, just worrying about you,” the drow says quietly. His gaze glued to the gown. A small laugh can be heard from the Raven before it leaves Livi’s shoulder and takes off out of sight.

“-oh, um…bye Charles…” Livi said softly as she watched the bird fly off. She made a real attempt to look over at Revan after that - but her face only got redder. Instead she hid her face in its entirety in the fur of the now sleeping cub, only showing off that her blush covered her entire head, and was visible via the part in her hair.

After a few awkward minutes the drow built up enough courage to sit next to her on the step. Though not enough to say anything else, he was just content to sit there next to her.

The silence lasted a bit longer before some muffled sounds escaped the female, “I’m glad you’re going too…to - um…the school - I mean…” She didn’t even attempt to lift her head, though she did turn it a small bit, letting one silver eye attempt to look over past the fur.

“Had too. Didn't....um want you to go alone.” The drow boy said with a small smile. His eyes looked over at her for but a moment, silver meeting silver before he turned bright purple and resumed looking at the ground.

Livi smiled softly - her vibrant color only barely starting to fade. “........ are - are you….nervous, at all? A-about the um…school…I mean…”

“Um...not really...surface world schooling is much less....um cutthroat then drow schooling.” The drow said with a small smile at his pun, though knowing that Livi didn't know how litteral that statement actually was.

Livi was quiet for a long moment, seeming to shift a bit where she sat. Her sister calling them frightened turtles was a pretty apt description - as she seemed to be turtling presently - shoulders rolling up and her neck seeming to all but vanish. “Oh…” she said with a soft sigh.

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