V: Lady Abigale Spring Ryder-Merlot

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She should have been paying more attention around her. She knew that people would be looking for her, and if she wasn't careful she would quite literally get dragged home, to face a scolding from mother. But she had suuuuch a good hand, that Abigale had gotten cocky, and focused on the game.

There were four of them in the game. Two commoner boys, a farmer's son and black smith's son, a more noble looking boy - the fiance of one of Abigale's friends, and peer, as well as Abigale herself. The table they played on was a crate, with smaller ones functioning as chairs. The commoner boys were absolutely filthy, their clothes marked with the occasional patch. It was a strong contrast to the noble male, whose outfit was pristine and spotless, simple, but clearly made of expensive fabrics. But most out of place, was Abigale. For one, women around here didn't often partake in such games, and with the exception of Abigale herself - no noble women ever got anywhere near the game. Usually making sure to not even enter an area where the game might be known to be played.

Currently, Abigale wore a cloak, attempting to hide most of her features, albeit the cloak itself was clearly made of a fancier material. Most of her features were hidden in shadow, the overcast above not making it any easier to see the details of her. However she was smirking beneath the shadow of the cloak's hood.

She wasn't the only one smirking though. "You seem awfully confident, Heir Merlot."

"Do I?" Abigale coyly asked, "Well...you don't seem too worried yourself, Lucy."

His smirk widened into a grin, chuckling low and quiet beneath his breath. "That's because I have nothing to worry about, Merlot."

Abigale's eyes narrowed. Lucius Sterne tended to be familiar level of formal with her no matter who else was around, so calling her Merlot twice in a row like this was odd...her eyes suddenly widened, and quickly tried to scramble up. But it was two late, she hadn't noticed two of her family's guard sneaking up on her, now each grabbing a hold of one of her arms as she tried to get away.

"Ah-Gotcha, M'Lady." one of the guard grumbled. "The Lord Ryder wants you home immediately."

What was half a sigh, half a groan escaped her throat as the hood of her cloak fell back, with her small attempts to struggle away. This was the elder Ryder girl. Daughter of the highest ranking Merlot noble, and her husband, a former low ranking noble who had married up. At the time, no one had cared. The woman had always been of ill health, and no one expected them to have children.

Yet here Abigale was - a lively and troublesome young woman, and only one of two children at that. Her bright and vibrant red hair had marked her as problematic almost since birth, and had never faded to a duller or common color. She was a bit tanner than most noble women - a refusal to keep herself pale as was proper, and a continuous attempt to be out and about where she shouldn't be. Her skin was soft though, from the care of it her family made her take. She was short, but not unusually so, and her limbs were surprisingly toned. But it was her eyes that were her most stunning feature. They were a deep blue green, that reminded many a sailor of the sea, not just for their color, but also for their expressiveness, and quickly they could go from calm and peaceful to fierce and turbulent. At least when she wasn't practicing her acting or hiding her emotions to the best of her abilities.

She was not currently attempting to hide anything though, her frustration shining clear in them as she half heartedly struggled. She knew they had a higher strength than her, it was little use of her to try to get away, but her pride wouldn't let her completely give up that quickly. "At least let me finish the hand." She whined.

"Please stop struggling M'Lady...I'd rather not get in trouble again for you getting bruised..." The softer spoken of the two guards said, ignoring her plea.

"Your father will already be furious it took this long to find you."

Abigale let out a long sigh, tossing her cards back at the makeshift table. Irritated, she decided to be of no help going slack in their grips, and pouting, as the guards started to carry her off, and back to the castle.

The two commoners kept their heads bowed, being quite quiet, and growing seemingly more and more nervous, both of getting in trouble with the guards, and more so of being left alone with Lucius.

Lucius was chuckling low. He had revealed his hand, and in comparison to the rest on the table- the only one who would have beaten him should have been Abigale, but clearly her removal from the game meant that the pot was his. "Another round boys?"

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