XVIII: Bree Underbough

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    That piece of shit bard and his stupid magic. How dare he be all bardy and use a cheap shot like that. These thoughts ran through Bree’s head as she dodged another of this ranger’s attacks.

As for this ranger...so much for being out of magic, she grit her teeth as she saw the tale tell signs of him casting. What ranger even needed magic?? Probably paid off by that stuck up Paladin who made it to the finals with almost no fighting at all. Limp dick bastard. She should be in the finals. Not the rich boy Paladin and that stupid sexy cheating bard. Two matches the Paladin got to go past without fighting meaning he was going from the melee brawl right to the finals. Granted the bard got to pass through without fighting a match as well but there was no way that mage was fighting after that fireball he used to wipe everyone in his melee out.

Bree narrowly dodged another arrow from the ranger nimbly dogging as thornes shoot out of the ground. Another jab with her daggers lets her get in close making his bow useless. Idiot- range didn’t work in a one on one fight. He was probably use to fighting with that twin of his over there and what looked to be two panthers lying against the bleachers. Thank the old gods and new, she didn't have to fight his beast as well.

A moment later and the rangers bow was on the ground, a short sword heading right towards Bree’s face. Thankfully she was fast enough to dodge it but she still took a nice cut on her shoulder. Bree grunted before stabbing both of her daggers into the boys back bringing him to the ground. Sometimes it was good to be her.

She stood, tall and proud, brushing back her short and wispy black hair out of her face, and wiping the sweat off her brow. Well, tall for her at least. Being a halfling of two foot three and all. She gave a smiteful grin to the booing crowd, freckles seeming to glimmer beneath the sheen of sweat she had worked up during the fight. She grinned, wide - in spite of the booing that the crowd was rewarding her with. To her - right now - they might as well have been cheers. They meant that she won the runner up round.

It meant that the humans who could easily buy their way into the school did not manage to keep her out of Unseen. Even if she only came in third in the whole tournament - she won what she needed too. And from here on out? She would only get stronger.

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