III: Patches O'Leary

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It was only a few hours later that Patches stood in the cove watching the pirate ship leave. He had lived on that ship his entire life and it was strange and sad to see it leave. Everyone on that ship that was stronger than him had at least taken a year or two to adventure without the crew by their side and now it was finally his turn. So with a heavy heart and a melancholy smile on his face he left for the closest town.

It was still a dark and dreary day, the winds having not died down in the least - however, for now, the rain seemed to be giving the land a break, perhaps taking to chase the ship. and the rest of the crew away from the shore. In a world of magic and adventures, it wouldn't be the strangest thing to occur. Not by a long shot.

The trip to town wasn't very long when one took the smugglers paths. What few guards there where when he got to the city gates didn't even spare more than a small glance his way as he entered the bustling city.

He was dressed in studded leather, looking nothing more than a human adventurer. Aside from his strange taste in hair, which was still a little damp from the downpour, clinging to and around his pointed ears - accidently hiding their shape. The light crossbow and backpack on his back working well to sell the image. An intricate rapier hung loose on his hip as a beautiful lute hung from his backpack.

Having no real idea where to start, he followed the sounds of merriment and the smell of the sea toward a dock side tavern. Might as well start somewhere vaguely familiar.

The place was a dive. At least to most people's standards, to Patches it looked far nicer than most taverns he had usually frequented. The blue haired male found himself a nice seat at the bar, and not a word was spoken as a menu was thrown into his hand.

Somewhere behind him, he was vaguely aware of an armored pair asking about about having seen some noble lass or another. He glanced over, noticing how irritated and tired they sounded, and the laughter and denial that answered them. Before he could really focus his full attention to them though, they seemed to already be leaving, probably off to further their search.

"Mutton an' some whisky." The one eyed man said with a grin, returning his attention and making sure to give the tavern keeper a saucy wink. The large man only stopped for a second before collecting the menu and walking away without a word. Patches of course having a large smile spread across his face. This was the start of something new, and that was exciting.

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