XV: Patches O'Leary

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    It had taken him less than a half hour to find the arena and almost the rest of the hour to wait in line but now it was done. He was one of the last to sign up and he was actually excited. This would be the first time he fought without his crew to assist, or sparring specifically against them,  and it would be fun to see how far he had come.

    “All contestants go to your designated battlefield.” A loud voice said. It seemed to echo throughout the arena. Well it was time to begin. With a happy skip the one eyed bard made his way to arena 5.

    It was a decent sized area. Easily 30 square feet. It seemed the other arenas where a similar size with a massive fifty square foot arena in the middle. It seemed this would be in boughts the one eyed man thought as he looked at the three others who entered the arena.

    “Good people of Rosato, welcome to the arena.” A small Halfling looked at the small crowd who was sitting near arena 5. “To the north we have the daughter of the captain of the watch Olma Dotsk. And to the East a traveller from across the sea Patches O’Leary. To the west Rurik Ironfist the dwarven bard. And finally to the south, my son Merric Hilltopple. Let the battle begin.” The small halfling says with a wild grin. Before jumping out of the battlefield.

As soon as the battle begins the two fighters race for and attack each other. Olma and Merric going all out with everything they have. Patches meanwhile walks over to the dwarven bard.

“Ye know if we be ‘inspirin’ them they be perhaps wearin each other out sooner.” The one eyed teen says with a smirk as he pulls out his Lute. A few of the better educated folks in the crowd recognize it as a Doss lute and gasp at the sight of an uncommon item. The two bard join in a small duet of inspiration and cutting words.

“You can do it we believe in you.” The Dwarf sings giving combat inspiration to both fighters.

“Even if ye smell like poo!” Patches said with a smirk as he bit out his cutting works.

“You sword is sharp and your arm is strong.” Merric sang in between when he played his Shawm.

“Even though your form is wrong!” Patches finished after the dwarf smirking as one fighter finally fell. Olma turning to the two bards debating which to attack first. “I don't know whether to use charm person or hold monster!” Patches viciously mocked with a laughing grin. The small psychic attack being enough to put the fighter down for the count.

“Well that was fun but now it's time to put you down.” The dwarf said with a hearty laugh and slashed Patches with his Rapier. His blade easily digging itself into the one eyed bard. Patches grunted in pain before swinging his instrument back onto his back. The one-eyed teen’s own blade found itself stabbed into the dwarf.

Rurik jumped back hoping to put some distance between him and the one eyed teen. His hands find his instrument as he whispers into the air. Luckily for the one eyed teen whatever the dwarf was trying to do failed; though it did leave a painful headache. Rurik then charged Patches. Neither boy noticing nor caring about the clerics, pulling the fallen fighters off of the field for healing.

    “Ye know I be thinking of casting feeblemind, but I doubt it be workin’ on ye.” Patches said with a grin easily sidestepping the charging dwarf. His words seeming to actually hurt and distract the other bard. Bardic Magic was a wonderful thing. With a quick dance to the side to doge another blow Patches sheathed his rapier into the other bard. The arena runes making Rurik collapse to the ground unconscious.

    “And arena 5 has a winner The Stranger from Across the Sea Patches O’Leary.” The small halfling cheared. He seemed surprisingly not upset, nor surprised at his son's loss.

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