XIV: Abigale Spring Ryder-Merlot

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"Knock it off Ras - you know my sis is off limits." A red-head said as she stepped out of the early morning shadows, joining the small group, and ruffling the hair of Livi's bangs. "Go torture some other fresh meat. I might even join you if you find one you can't handle." she added with a smirk, resting an arm on Liv's shoulder, and her opposite hand on her hip in a confident and sassy stance.

Rochelle gave an irritated attempt of a smile in reply. "Oh look - you decided to show up without being dragged kicking and screaming this time." Her smile got a little more wicked as she arched a brow. "Afraid that the baby can't handle herself?"

Abigale didn't show any signs of it phasing her, even as she heard her sister attempt to mumble an apology to her, so soft that she barely heard it. "Let me give you some incentive - you leave my sister alone, and show her the respect your family should be showing mine - OR - I go tell your Pappy what your little boyfriend really is?" She said with the biggest, sweetest grin, she could fake across her features.

The until then emotionless boy, almost seemed to smirk for a small second. Appreciating the well played move - as the girl his arm had been around seemed to go deathly pale. "You wouldn't dare-"

Abigale just continued her grinning, letting her reputation, and history speak for itself. The girls knew each other as long standing frenemies long enough that they both could tell when the other was and was not bluffing. In the awkward silence that hung in the air was an awareness, and acknowledgement- that even though not everyone present knew what Abigale was talking about - they did all know that she wasn't bluffing.

Ras just let out a huff, before storming off in a different direction, slipping out from under the boy's arm. Some other poor new kid was about to suffer her wrath.

The boy gave a slight shrug. "As amusing as that was - leave the Lord General out of it. Or he might turn his attentions to you - I hear he likes redheads." He warned - flatly, and sounding unconcerned, before turning to follow the girl who had slipped away from him.

Both Ryder sisters blinked at the warning, a bit confused. Not sure what a grown man would be interested in some red headed kids for. The elder gave a shrug, before looking at the younger. "Are you - just going to carry him the whole time? Isn't he a bit heavy for you?"

Little Livi gulped, trying to straighten out her back a bit. "I - don't want him to get into trouble...you know how people get..." As it always was, Olivia spoke in soft, hushed tones- however when it was just her and her sister, she seemed to at least lose her stutter.

Abi let out a sigh, knowing her sister was smart - and had a good point. Ras wasn't the only one prone to bothering Olivia - likely because her shy nature made her unlikely to defend herself. The last thing either of them wanted was for the sweeter of the pair to get into trouble on the first day, for something not even her fault. Besides - getting in trouble was the older sister's job. So Abs gave a weak smile, ruffling Liv's bangs once more, before repeating the gesture for the fur atop the cub's head.

It was going to be long semester...But she looked forward to every moment of it.

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