XXXI: Abigale Spring Ryder Merlot

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     Mild Mature Content Warning
Adult themes
Mild sexual content

     Just because Abigale couldn't have something - it didn't mean that she didn't like to think about was the one freedom no one could really touch. It made her have moments like this,  where she ventured off alone just to such thoughts in peace. Even if as a fair and noble lady, she really wasn’t supposed to think about certain things...

     Currently the elder Ryder sister was hiding away in one of her favorite places to be: the crows nest. To be more specific, the crowsnest of a boat that was very distinctly traveling away from her home fort. This was the second time she found herself up here today alone - even if earlier had only been to keep an eye on her sister, while still giving the younger Ryder space. Now - now she was just here to think.

     She leaned against the half wall of the nest, just deeply breathing- enjoying the salty smell of the sea air, and trying to not strain her eyes to see in the dark. Much like everytime she traveled to the Unseen School, it had grown incredibly dark. fairly suddenly during the night, always during the below deck party. Moon and stars all hidden- presumably by cloud coverage, and it being too late in the night to have any light from either horizon. It almost made it seem like nothing existed beyond the light if the boat itself.

     Abigale knew this was no accident. The school was named Unseen for a reason, and it didn't take much for her to figure out that the people running it went to extreme measures to keep it safe, guarded, and hidden. It was probably a good portion as to why the school was considered so prestigious, and why nobles were so willing to send their heirs there - even if the lower class could also attend if they were talented enough.

     However the thoughts that would ponder the mysteries of the school, were musings that she would save for another time. For now she had other plans as to where she wanted her mind to wander.

     For up high in the unlit crowsnest, nearly completely surrounded by the half wall, alone in the dark- in theory, no one should be able to see her. At least no humans, who like herself lacked darkvision. Not that she wanted anyone to catch her - however the people she really needed to not catch her - were all humans.

     She couldn't deny that there was an added thrill to the fact that she could get caught, it was still far from her goal. The very idea of getting caught though, caused the heat of a blush to spread across her features.

     Usually, while she liked the thrill, she didn't so much like the idea of being actually caught. But something was different about today - and she found herself licking her lips, as she lightly tucked some loose hair behind her ear. It may have been just a light touch, but in the cool night air, it sent a small shiver down her spine,and parted her lips with a sigh.

     The tips of her fingers, and nails lightly caressed down her neck and across her collarbone, as a thought formed in her mind, as her hands began to wander over her clothes…

    “Havin’ fun there lassie?” While the question wasn’t quite smug…the tone definitely implied that the asker already knew the answer, and really just needed something to break the silence.

     She barely knew the owner of the voice - yet even so, despite it being too dark for her human eyes to see, she could picture him. Arms crossed in front of him, holding him up as he leaned over the edge of half wall of the crows nest, and a flirty smirk across his lips. She imagined that his hair, a vibrant blue that she had never seen atop someone's head before, was likely now worn loose, and gently flowing in the sea breeze.

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