IX: Ryder-Merlot Guards

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While it was amusing watching the young mistress Abigale squirm over her one and only potential fiance attempting to flirt with her…the guards also realized when it was time to go. Mostly because they did not want to be vomited on.

They almost felt bad for her, knowing the idea of getting close with the man who would likely be her future husband made her physically ill. However the fact that she felt so strongly about such a brave and noble prospect confused them too much to be quite as concerned as they should otherwise be.

They were trying to give the girl her space as she leaned over a fresh chamber pot, trying to rid herself of said “sickness". It was an awkward time for everyone involved. One even wandered off, only to shortly return with a damp rag.

“Here M’Lady…” He gently offered, “Your father is still waiting…”

With a very unlady-like little growl, Abigale snatched the rag, and wiped down her face. “Please George, next time just let me walk.”

“We had to follow your father’s orders M’Lady…” the guard, George, tried to sympathetically explain.

“I doubt she cares.” the other guard said plainly. “Now c’mon. Before we get docked any more pay.”

This made the noble girl visibly wince, furrowing her brows. “That's really not fair, Kevin, he shouldn’t punish you for what I do...”

“Tis how it is.” the guard gestured for the hall, before the pair escorted the girl to her father’s study.

The trio walked in dead silence. The sound of their boots echoing down the long hall, and the shifting of the guards armor. Softer, was the sound of fabric russling, and the noticeable crackle of the flames that lit the wall mounted lamps as they climbed the stairs.

As they got close to the door, the young red-head grew visibly nervous. Trying to straighten, and stand tall to hide it. The guards did not envy her. Most of the lords were something scary when angry, and few lords got angrier that Lord Ryder did when it came to his daughters, albeit for one it was at, and the other it was to protect.

With a silent nod the two guards nodded, before opening the double doors of the study in unison.

“Good luck M’Lady…” George softly murmured as Abigale tried to calmly walk in, before the pair closed the doors behind her.

At first the two waited silently, until a loud thud could be heard beyond the doors- recognizable as Lord Ryder slamming his cane down in the floor. That was when the muffled yelling began.

“Do you ever even stop to think- for even just a moment?!”

“So - how’s the wife?” Kevin asked, hoping to make the scolding beyond the door less awkward for them.

“-Not how ladies should-”

“Well, she’s due any day now.” George replied, he sounded a little nervous.

“-example you are setting for Olivia?!!”

“The Clerics still predicting a boy?”

“-trust you to not ruin the family name-"

George gave a nod, trying to not mind the yelling that they were hearing bits and pieces of. “Though, the druid she likes to get her herbs from keeps telling her it’ll be a girl. So…there is that.” He gave a shrug.

“-have half a mind to not let you go-”

“Is that why you’ve been so sympathetic towards…”

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