XXVIII: Lady Olivia Frost Ryder-Merlot

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Until Livi woke up, she had not even realized that she had fallen asleep in the first place, though admittedly she had needed it. Last she had remembered, the mess hall had been quiet and empty. Her and Revan had been reading together, their assorted animals about the room - eating if she recalled correctly.

Now everything was loud, as people had gathered to eat and chat, excitedly talking about the upcoming semester. Olivia failed to fight off a yawn, before lightly rubbing at her eyes, to make sure she wasn't tearing.

She glanced around, guesstimating a head count, and seeming to shrink the more people she saw. She was gnawing on her lip by the time she found herself looking at the still sleeping Revan.

She never was a fan of crowds. Ever. But when she was with Revan? Crowds only caused trouble, maybe not right away…but, there always seemed to be a problem if too many people saw the pair together. It made her nervous.

Very careful to not touch him in front of everyone, she leaned a bit towards the drow’s ear. “Revy…maybe we should get going…” Her normally quiet voice now a worried and hushed whisper.  

Now normally the young drow did not sleep much, if at all. He rested of course, he definitely meditated, but actual sleep was fairly foreign to him…normally at least.

Of course when it came to Livi, nothing was really normal for him. When it was just the two of them, calm and relaxed - especially when her breathing calmed to the slow pace indicating she fell asleep...he found himself nodding off too.

Charles particularly liked to tease him about it in private, always seeming to imply that he meant something else when he said they wore each other out.

Yet Revan didn't care. For each of those small, calm moments they had together - was one more moment that the world could wait to burn.

So despite the increasing volume in the mess hall, he didn't rouse from his slumber until Liv’s hushed tones tried to awaken him, his ears giving a small twitch, before his eyes even opened.

Olivia could not explain why - but she found it absolutely adorable, and had they been alone, she likely would have poked the point of his ear, to see if they would do it again. But alas, they weren’t alone, so instead a very red faced Livi found that for the moment she could no longer look at him. “Um…its…uh…getting crowded…um…m-maybe we should…ah, go….?” her voice was no louder than the hushed whisper from only a moment before, as her hands nervously fiddled with the end of her braid.

He let his eyes peak open, vaguely wincing even in the firelight. Sure, it wasn't as bad as the sun - but it still was a bit bright for first opening his eyes. His eyes adjusted though, and for a small moment his gaze rest on her.

Fidgeting - anxious - bright red and refusing to look at him. He sighed as he wondered what he might have done wrong. His own blush forming, deep purple in color, he lifted the hood of his cloak to hide in. He stood, and when he knew he was at least in her peripheral, he nodded, then starting to head off.

When he didn't pause for her to get up she went a little wide eyed, now feeling like she had done something wrong, she hurried to get up, practically scampering to catch up and preferably walk by his side.

This created a small tension in the air between them - and being so focused on not looking at each other, they noticed neither the raven, nor noble pair chuckling at their expense.

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