Outbreak // Part One

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The weekend passed too quickly for my liking and soon enough, I was back in the halls of Riverdale High School

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The weekend passed too quickly for my liking and soon enough, I was back in the halls of Riverdale High School. My day seemed oddly out of place without Jughead and Betty, whom Mrs. Cooper claimed was taking a needed break from everything until her mind was back on track. After no response to my many texts, I had asked to visit her, but Alice said no visitors were allowed. Suspicious, definitely, but I wasn't about to test her patience.

I closed my locker after grabbing my binder for my class just as a piercing scream filled the hallway. I spun around to see Cheryl in her cheer uniform, her eyes wide as the rest of the River Vixens spasmed on the ground.

"Oh, my God!" I gasped and ran towards her, seeing Veronica on the cold tile along with Toni. My hands went to my sister's shoulders as Kevin joined my side. "What do we do?" I panicked as I looked to Kevin for help.

"Help! Somebody help us!" Cheryl seemed to answer my question as she screamed at the top of her lungs. A few students rushed away and soon enough, Principal Weatherbee and the school nurse were sprinting down the hall along with various teachers.

I waited until Veronica stopped seizing in my arms before looking at Kevin again. "We have to get her out of here," I said, "I have the keys to her car. Can you carry her?"

Kevin nodded before scooping Veronica up as the two of us snuck out of the building. I walked quickly towards the familiar Audi in the parking lot and pulled the rear door open for Kevin to set her inside.

"Where are you going to take her?" He asked as I closed the door and made my way towards the driver's seat.

I shrugged and climbed in. "Not my apartment, for sure. I'll figure it out. I'll call you later?"

Kevin squeezed my hand through my open window before going back into the high school. I sighed and glanced at Ronnie in the rear view mirror before starting the car.

My phone began ringing in the cup holder a split second later, Mom's name appearing on the screen. I groaned as I backed out of the parking spot before answering the call.

"Mom, what's up?"

"Do you have Veronica?" Her voice was rushed and full of panic.

I sighed, "Maybe. Why?"

"Bring her to the Pembrooke. Now, mija." I could hear Hiram yelling in the background, probably at Principal Weatherbee if I had a guess.

"There's no way in hell I'm bringing her around him," I argued. "You get him out of there, and I'll consider it."

"Savanna, drop the attitude. This is Veronica's health we're speaking about. I need you to bring her here so I can make sure she's okay."

I stared at the steering wheel for a moment huffing, "Fine. I'm on my way."

As expected, the second I pulled up outside the Pembrooke, Mom was rushing outside with a concerned expression on her face. Hiram was right behind her, shoving his phone into his pocket as they stopped by the curb.

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