Big Fun // Part One

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Jughead and I dove headfirst into planning on how we were going to expose his mom enough to get her out of town

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Jughead and I dove headfirst into planning on how we were going to expose his mom enough to get her out of town. Gladys held a lot of cards over our heads and it was going to be severely difficult in the long run, but I knew we would be able to make something work.

The sun was bright when I woke up for school, making me groan and roll over to avoid burning my retinas. I grabbed my phone to see a video from Cheryl that had been sent about twenty minutes ago. No surprise, the redhead was properly glammed and ready for the day as she walked through her enormous bedroom.

"Morning, flower. I hope you had a fantabulous weekend with your lover. I cannot say the same, as Toni and I have separated over... irreconcilable differences. Besides that matter, I have decided the next school musical is to be Heathers. Of course, I know you won't be joining us on the stage, however, I'm strongly requesting, not demanding, that you grace us with your presence as vocal instructor again. I already spoke to Kevin, he approved of my idea instantly, so I'll see you this morning for rehearsal! Muah." Cheryl blew a kiss towards the camera before the video ended.

I sighed and let my phone drop to the comforter as I took in her message. Don't get me wrong, I loved helping with the last musical, however, it was also a shitshow and ended in a murder. I'm a bit shocked that we're even doing another musical after that event.

Pulling myself together, I managed to get myself out of the apartment with enough time to stop over at the Jones house before I needed to leave for rehearsal apparently. I was curious to see who all jumped in on this production, not to mention how it got approved in the first place.

"Knock knock," I called out as I walked down the steps into the basement. Over a long weekend, Jughead and I had already broken down every inch of how we would redo the basement to make it more comfortable for him. It was still on the edge on what Betty would do if she ever got her mom out of The Farm, so her room was left untouched at the moment, just being used for storage in case anything changed, something I still thought was odd.

"Morning." Jughead looked up from his computer to give me a smile as he spun in his chair to face me. "I had a dream I was searching for a needle in a haystack. Care to interpret, Dr. Freud?"

I shook my head as I sat on his lap, brushed his hair away from his eyes. "Your plan's a good one so far, Jug. Your mom can't start dealing drugs without a lab to make them in. So you find the lab, shut it down, and stop her before she gets a grip on everything."

He nodded in agreement as his fingers tapped on my thigh. "That's the goal for the week."

"And I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray, for a better way. We were kind before, we can be kind once more. We can be beautiful..."

"Just not today," Jughead finished as he kissed my cheek. "I'm stepping back on this one to stay and help my dad. Have fun and keep me updated?"

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