Fear The Reaper // Part One

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FP drove the fastest, yet safest I think I'd ever seen someone drive, especially at the speeds he was going to get home

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FP drove the fastest, yet safest I think I'd ever seen someone drive, especially at the speeds he was going to get home. Jughead was in the back seat, wanting nothing to do with me sitting near Kurtz, even if he was in handcuffs. That, I would agree on. I didn't want to be near him, that was for sure.

The Jones house  was dark when we walked through the front door, which didn't help the issue at hand. "Jellybean!" FP shouted as he walked inside.

I walked towards the kitchen table which was engraved with a green snake in the shape of an S. On top of it, however, was an envelope. "Jug!" I called as I picked the paper up.

"What the hell is that?" FP asked as he joined us. I let Jughead open the envelope and pull out the contents.

"I invite you to play a round of Gryphons and Gargoyles, the outcome of which will determine Princess Jellybean's fate," Jughead read before shoving the note back on the table in irritation.

"Hey," Gladys called as she entered the house, "Why's the door wide open? What's wrong?" She asked once she noticed the concerned faces on both her husband's and son's face. "Where's JB?"

Mr. Jones shook his head. "She was taken."

Jughead slammed his hands on the table before standing up straight. "By the Gargoyle King, and his loyal servant Kurtz," He finished.

"What do we do?" I whispered, almost scared to speak up in case one of the parents snapped.

"We have to find that son of a bitch," Gladys answered as she gave me a determined look before facing her husband.

FP almost laughed. "Find him? He's outside in the back of my cruiser."

I never expected to see Gladys Jones punch the living shit out of someone, but here I was, watching her get answers by force, and I have to say, I'm really impressed. She was intimidating as hell, don't get me wrong, but watching her actually attack someone was a whole different ballpark.

"Where the hell is my daughter?" She screamed at Kurtz who looked at her blankly. "Tell me, or I'll kill you right here, right now."

"Where are you keeping her, Kurtz?" FP continued as he stood behind Gladys' shoulder to observe.

The dealer in front of us offered a wicked smile. "With an associate. Being very well taken care of."

Gladys shouted in anger as she took a step back. "He's not going to tell us," Jughead interjected.

"Accept the invite to play," Kurtz spoke again. "Let's see if you can bring Jellybean home."

Gladys, fed up with staring at the criminal in front of her, dragged the three of us to the kitchen. "He's crazy," She said as she watched Kurtz from the corner of her eye.

"How can we believe anything he has to say?" FP asked the real question. It was possible Jellybean was literally at Pop's for dinner with some friends, or maybe asleep in her room. I had a feeling that wasn't the case though, and I could tell Jughead felt the same.

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