Requiem for a Welterweight // Part One

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As much as I didn't want to, hiding the fact that Jughead's mom was the buyer, and that I was currently in debt to her, was not something I wanted to share

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As much as I didn't want to, hiding the fact that Jughead's mom was the buyer, and that I was currently in debt to her, was not something I wanted to share. He had called me after he had gone home the other night to say that his mom and JB were home indefinitely. Of course, faking excitement was not what I wanted to do, especially about something like this.

"It was the weirdest thing, you guys," Betty was in the middle of a story as we walked through the halls of the school. "My mom's usually rubbing the Farm in my face, but now she's shutting me out. Like she's washed her hands of me. Which is even more terrifying."

She had told us how her mom was planning on altering her wedding dress to be "baptized" into the Farm. As much as I wanted to believe there was a chance of talking Alice out of her decision, I knew it would be hopeless. She had proven that with the drastic nature of her actions, including draining Betty's savings account.

"They're definitely up to some serious shadiness," I agreed as we stopped by my locker so I could switch my things out.

Betty nodded while I spun in the combination. "I was trying to dig up some dirt online on the Farm and I couldn't even find a photograph of Edgar Evernever. Not one. That's weird."

Jughead tilted his head back and forth as he weighed her words. "Yes, but if you really want to protect your mom, it may be worthwhile to just embrace the whole baptism thing."

"Or at least pretending to embrace it," I added as I attempted to shove another book in my locker. "It might help you keep tabs on her, make sure she's safe." I closed the metal door to watch the blonde nod sadly.

"Come on," Jughead led us away from the lockers into another classroom where Sweet Pea, Fangs, and two other Serpents were standing. "Where the hell is everyone else?" Jughead asked as he tossed his bag on the ground.

Sweet Pea stood up straight and shoved his hands in his pocket. "We're down another eight."

"Another eight?" I repeated as I sat on the desk to swing my legs back and forth.

Fangs nodded. "All girls."

Betty pulled herself up to sit next to me as her backpack collided with the floor gracefully. "Where are they all going?"

"Turns out Toni and Cheryl started their own gang. All of the girls are defecting to it. The Pretty Poisons," Sweet Pea explained.

Fangs crossed his arms as Jughead leaned against the desk between Betty and I. "What do you want us to do, boss?" He asked.

Jughead shook his head, surprisingly keeping his temper at bay. "Nothing," He said, "This is all because I banished Cheryl and Toni. I just need to talk to Toni, get her back into the Serpent fold, and then the rest will come back, too. They just need to be reminded of what it means to be a Serpent. I'll make this right."

The group was quickly dismissed, or I guess what was left of the group, leaving me, Betty, and Jughead to remain. As soon as everyone was gone and the door closed, Jughead groaned and rubbed his face with his hands.

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