Jawbreaker // Part Two

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While awaiting Cheryl's response on her conversation with Edgar, I busied myself by visiting the coroner with FP and Jughead

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While awaiting Cheryl's response on her conversation with Edgar, I busied myself by visiting the coroner with FP and Jughead. Crazy idea for distraction, I know, but this whole Baby Teeth investigation had me curious. Why him? What was different about him compared to any other person at that raid?

"He suffered a myriad of traumas," Dr. Curdle Jr. explained as he pulled back the white sheet from the dead body. Bile threatened to escape my throat at the sight but I pushed it away, needing to focus on the task at hand. "Our good friend here died from blood loss from the pulling of his teeth. It occurred pre-mortem. There's one more ghoulish detail I discovered during the autopsy."

He reached over to grab a pair of tongs from the metal cart but there was something held between them. "There was something lodged in his throat," The doctor explained.

FP moved forward to grab it. "What the hell is that?"

"A matchbook from the Maple Club," I answered at a further inspection of the object.

"I thought I'd seen the true face of evil. But this, whoever did this, isn't even human."

Yeah, Dr. Curdle Jr., but then again, sometimes I don't think you are either. Creepy ass man.

Our next stop was obvious: Penelope Blossom's Maple Club. She seemed less than pleased to recognize us at the front desk but agreed to answer questions regardless.

"Any idea how one of your matchbooks ended up in Baby Teeth's throat?" FP asked as we stood in front of her.

Penelope sat back in her chair with a shrug. "Well, they are complementary to all of our guests. We don't recommend they ingest them," She said as she held up an extra matchbook from her desk. "I do recall this young man being here a few nights ago. He was here with some friends. Ex-cons but charming. Anyway, this Baby Teeth left the Maple Club with a grin on his face, and alive. My girl Rosemary fulfilled his fantasy."

Screaming interrupted Penelope's monologue as something crashed behind us.

"What on Eve's Earth?" The woman was out of her chair in a second, curious as to what was occurring in her business.

We quickly walked out of Penelope's office into the main lobby only to see a few of the girls looking scared as they stood against the wall while the floor was covered in broken glass. There was a guttural growl from an individual on the floor who held a shard of glass in their hand.

As he stood up, the man turned to face us with a foaming mouth before lunging at FP with another growl.

"Whoa, alright. Okay," The Jones father tried to calm the attacker down but when lunged at again, FP retaliated. "Hey!" He shouted before throwing a defensive punch to knock the man unconscious and to the ground. Handcuffs followed so FP could transport the attacker outside to his car.

"Is there anything else you can tell us about him?" Jughead asked once his father had returned. "Like his name or where he's from?"

Penelope glanced at the employee next to her. "Martin, but they all use an alias."

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