part 12

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Y/N pov
me and jay walked outside and he closed the door. i walked to his car and was about to open the car door but then i heard jay running over to me.
"uh uh uh nope!" he said while running. he then opened my door for me. i smiled and got into the car. he got into the car, started it and i took the aux cord, then he took it from me.
"nah i want aux." he said while plugging the cord into his phone.
"okay fine but i don't want any hype music right now, those aren't the vibes." i said, leaning my head against the window.
"so what are the vibes?" he said while he started driving.
"idk it's gloomy, put a good song on." i said.  he nodded and put the song 'You' on by Jacquees. i looked at him and he was smiling. he put his hand on my thigh and i put my hand on his.
"Its 2:30 in the mornin.  round this time you know we going in." he started singing and i stared at him, looking at the road.
"i had to kiss you so you don't throw it." he looked at me.
"but you get crazy when you horny." he gripped my thigh harder and i laughed.
"i feel like i should be your lover. i should be your friend i don't see any issues. made up in your bed, money can pay for your time but it's not love!" he looked at me again. i started recording him.
"and cannot pay for the shit that i bought you!" he sang into the camera. i stopped recording and looked at him.
"swear to god i should be gone. leave you alone.."we were at a red light and he stared at me. he put his hand on my check.
"cause i'd rather be with you and all your bullshit. rather be with you and all your bullshit! i'd rather be with you and all your bullshit! rather be with you and all your bull- you, yeah baby."  he turned the music down and the light turned green.
"you know what jay?" i said to him. he was looking at the road and he put his hand back on my thigh.
"what princesa?" he asked me.
"i'm honestly so lucky." i said. i felt him look at me and smile. he looked back at the road.
" too ma." he said.
                                        •    •    •
we found a parking spot near the entrance and we got out of the car. i looked at my phone and it was 7:26. jay walked over to me, grabbed my hand and we walking inside.
"okay where do you wanna go first?" he asked me.
"mmm i don't care. i want a big hoodie tho." i said as we started walking.
"why when you can just wear mine?" he asked me. i looked up at him.
"your right. i want new shoes tho so lets go to a shoe store!!" i said. he laughed and put his arm around my shoulder and i held his hand. when we walked into the shoe store jay removed his arm from me and i started walking around. i walked over to him sitting on a chair.
"what you didn't find anything?" he asked me looking up from his phone. i shook my head and sat next to him.
"okay well i'm buying so pick something." he said.
"no your not what the fuckkkk!" i said.
"yes i am, go get new force ones because yours are really dirty." he said as he laughed and i lightly slapped his chest.
"actually you know what...ima get a new pair too so we can both be fresh together." he said and got up. we both got our size and he paid for it. we were walking out of the store but i stopped walking and jay turned around to look at me.
"what wrong?" he said walking towards me. i grabbed his shirt and kissed him.
"mine." i said. he smiled and put his arm around me once more and we left the mall.

bandkidjay id rather be with you and all your bullshit

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bandkidjay id rather be with you and all your bullshit. 🖤💍
3,168 likes • view all 279 comments

user1 AWWW WTF

user2 oh so they dating dating

user3 damn it i thought i had a chance

user4 aww i'm so happy for you jay! if your happy i'm happy too

yourusername forever and always 🤞🏼🖤💍
458 people liked this comment
user5 yourusername IM CRYING
user6 yourusername BITCH STOP IM SOBBING
user7 yourusername awww y'all cute cute

bandkidjay yourusername forever🤞🏼💍

ybouah i mean..i guess i approve.
user8 ybouah WOW IM SHOOK
user9 ybouah i dont.

kkwokstar y'all fuckin?
sauvesidle kkwokstar LMFAOOOO
bandkidjay kkwokstar oh yeah fs
user10 bandkidjay i-

1320mosey i fucked up
comment deleted

user11 1320mosey i saw that.

bandkid.asav parents.

yungtada 🖤

yourusername mine

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yourusername mine.🤞🏼🖤💍
4,689 likes • view all 657 comments

user1 i'm so happy for them omg

user2 yuck.

user3 i thought she was dating mosey bye

user4 user3 i think they were joking idk

bandkidjay your mine. only mine. i'm yours. only yours.

user5 when is she going back to seattle?
yourusername user5 i might move to LA🖤


user7 this is SO CUTE

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