part 21

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i was all packed and ready to go to seattle. y/n finally said that i was her last choice. no more going back and forth from me and mosey. this girl was my forever. i'll love her forever. i didn't want to tell anyone i was leaving so i tried sneaking out but mosey caught me before i could even reach the door.
"yo where you going?" he said to me.
"i got girls coming in like 10." he said walking over to me.
"your already over y/n?" i asked him.
"she don't want me...why trip over her? plus she's fucking neek so ion really care." he said walking over to the living room, i followed him and he plopped on the couch.
"wait what?" i was confused, i didn't know that.
"yeah look at her ig post, manz hands prolly all up in there."
" i'm not trippin." i said, sitting next to him and shaking my head to get my curls out of my eyes.
"you never answered me..where you going?" he asked looking at me.
"ugh...a girls house. she livin in seattle so ima pull up." i said, lying.
"you're not gonna visit y/n are you...?" he said,putting down his phone.
"nah...why would i?"
"ion know...jay if you still like her jus tell me bro."
"mosey i-" all of a sudden kk sauve and royce came into the kitchen.
"sup hoes." sauve said, sitting next to us on the couch. then the doorbell rang and royce went to answer it. the girls came.
"aye ima go." i told mosey. he dapped me up and hugged me. i walked over to the door and yelled
"peace ima go." everyone told me bye and i walked out the door and waited for my uber

"i'm serious neek stop!!!" i yelled as he tickled me.
"NOOO GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK!" he said while stilling tickling me.
"fine FINE FINE STOP AHHHH!" i yelled and threw his phone across the room.
"my fault ugh." i said taking a breathe .
"so when is jay coming?" he said picking up his phone and sitting on the bed as i later down. i was surprised.
"how did you know about that...?"
"i heard your guys conversation because i was gonna come into your room but y'all were really still like him." i sat up and smiled.
"yeah." i blushed. he held my hands
"i jus don't want you to get into anymore drama y/n.."
"i won't neek. he's my forever. AND HES COMING TOMORROW OMG IM SO EXCITED!" i said, jumping up and down on the bed.
"alright whatever ima take a shower." he said and left my room. i sat down hugging my pillow. i miss him i thought. i smiled. i texted him

hey you on your plane yet?

yeah ima be there tomorrow,
i love you

i love you too:)

nah like i'm actually in
love with you. no more games.
no more thooters and no more
guys getting in the way. i'm in
love with you.

i agree❤️🤝 i'm in love with you JD


i pinky swear


yes papi i promise. i'm in love with you

don't call me that babygirl or your gonna get punished

punish me.

ima fuck the life outta you.
ima beat that pussy up.

good because it's all yours

i know it is. and ima leave
hickeys all over you so that
these dudes know your mine

Lil mosey||bandkid jayWhere stories live. Discover now